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Case study

Community Finance

Services Provided:

Community Finance is a new loan agency based in Puerto Rico that offers non-collateralized small loans to families with no credit history or FICO scores. Community Finance provides innovative service with passion and friendliness to its clients. As one big family, Community Finance is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the communities that need it.

The Challenge

Backed by an experienced leadership team and a solid group of investors, Community Finance came to us for help building a digital presence that would help establish the brand in the new market of Puerto Rico. This endeavor also came with the challenge of developing the site in Spanish with an English translation functionality. Community Finance was already equipped with a strong base of active customers but wanted to provide an online experience that would boost engagement, increase brand awareness, and enhance the customer experience.


Web Design

As a new brand in the market, Community Finance needed a digital presence that would help differentiate it from competitors and provide a sense of community and support among customers. We knew the site’s design and structure would play a crucial role in establishing credibility and developing trust among the community for the brand.

In accordance with its name, the Community Finance brand is heavily built on the importance of community and family. As we designed, we focused on developing an aesthetic that emphasized an energetic, welcoming feel. We incorporated bright, soothing colors and built the design around images of relatable, friendly staff members. The site’s iconography represents the ease of Community Finance’s loan process as a quick, easy way to get needed cash.

It was also important that we presented Community Finance in a way that seamlessly integrated with the culture of the new market. More than anything, we wanted the messaging, structure, and design of the site to portray Community Finance as the friendly organization it is, committed to the people that make up the community the brand is built to support.

Web Development

In developing the structure and features of the site, we made sure every element offered convenience and simplicity to the target customer, making it easier than ever to apply for a loan. For the primary feature of the site, we built out an easy-to-use, custom loan application form, as well as a loan calculator to improve the user experience on the site. We also included a contact form, integrated maps, and dynamic FAQ features.


A welcoming, easy-to-use website has equipped Community Finance to build brand awareness amongst a new target market. Because of its strong digital presence, Community Finance has been able to seamlessly integrate into the Puerto Rico market and become a well-respected brand that offers a great customer experience. In just a few clicks, visitors can apply for a small loan from a trusting brand that’s committed to improving communities and providing extraordinary support for its customers.