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Case study

LOSA Collaborative

Services Provided:

The LOSA Collaborative offers the aviation industry’s first and leading Line Operation Safety Audit solution. Trusted by civil and military aviation operators around the world, the LOSA Collaborative is seen as the gold standard for LOSA implementation in the industry today.

The Challenge

While the LOSA Collaborative may have the most experience and highest level of expertise in their field, they have been outflanked by competitors with stronger web presences and lower costs. In order to reestablish the LOSA Collaborative as leaders in the industry, we needed to revitalize their brand identity and web presence to truly communicate their story.


Brand Story

From our first meeting with the LOSA Collaborative, we could already tell that they were truly the industry experts that they said they were. The issue? Their website and messaging didn’t accurately communicate this. Through a collaborative workshop, deep industry research, and interviews with key stakeholders and team members, we were able to uncover the keys to the organization reclaiming their position as industry leaders. What we found were deep industry roots, along with an unmatched commitment to quality, integrity, and service.

With these findings in hand, we began crafting messages for the LOSA Collaborative’s new website and digital presence. Leaning into the organization’s unparalleled experience, we focused on what their competitors could not — decades of data, global leadership, and unprecedented trust.

Web Design

One of our main goals for the new LOSA Collaborative website was to modernize their visual aesthetic. The old site was dated, lacking clear navigation, calls to action, and engaging content. However, not everything had to go. To start the refresh, we kept the LOSA Colaborative’s original cool blue and silver color palette, which conveyed trust and dependability.

Our team then reorganized the site architecture to enhance user flow and bring the site up to modern best practices. To offset the cool blue and metallic tones, a vibrant red was utilized to bring attention to CTAs and important site elements. We finished off the visual side with high quality images of the aircrafts the organization works with to make their services immediately clear to any new site visitors. The result is a clean, modern site that presents all of the LOSA Collaborative’s most valuable information in an easy to navigate format.

Web Development

On the development side, our team set out to create an engaging user experience that also conveyed the LOSA Collaborative’s level of professionalism and expertise. The site was developed on WordPress, and utilizes Elementor for simple administration by LOSA Collaborative staff. To help educate their partners and establish thought leadership, we created a knowledge base that contains a glossary, industry insights, and other educational resources. Finally, we built a custom contact form to streamline the process of getting in touch with the LOSA Collaborative.


The LOSA Collaborative team are truly frontrunners in aviation safety, and now they have the web presence to prove it. Their new site is bold and modern, but retains the professional, refined aesthetic that the organization is known for. The refreshed brand identity and updated web presence are already serving them well, with post-launch data showing that user engagement time has increased. Equipped with smooth user journeys, an easy-to-use contact form, and a plethora of educational resources, the LOSA Collaborative’s new website will continue to help them reclaim their position as industry leaders.