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Case study

Raptor Technologies

Services Provided:

Raptor Technologies transforms school safety through integrated software that enables schools to prevent, prepare, respond and recover from any emergency

The Challenge

When Raptor Technologies reached out to HMG Creative to design their new site, their goals were clear. First, they wanted to establish well-defined user journeys for their diverse range of visitors. They also wanted to improve their SEO strategies to boost the website’s visibility and reach, ensuring it ranked higher in search engine results. Simultaneously, they wanted conversion-driven design elements and persuasive call-to-actions to facilitate an increase in conversion rates. This project epitomized their commitment to delivering a more user-centric, impactful, and results-oriented online experience, and we were excited to take on the challenge!


Web Design

Our design phase of the project incorporated both a visual brand overhaul and a thorough restructuring of the site’s navigation and content structure. The revamped design brought a fresh, contemporary look to Raptor Technologies’ website, with updated colors, typography, and imagery that beautifully represented our evolving brand identity. Simultaneously, we revamped the site’s navigation utilizing a mega-menu to make it more intuitive and user-friendly, and restructured the content for improved organization and accessibility.

Web Development

Throughout the development phase of the project, we adhered to industry-leading web practices to ensure an exceptional online presence. We ensured the site was fully responsive in order to cater to the diverse needs of users across various devices. We also helped the Raptor Technologies team enhance their engagement and support by incorporating a chat feature that provides real-time assistance and information to visitors. Additionally, we integrated third-party services to optimize functionality and improve overall efficiency for the organization.


The end product was a complete visual brand transformation for Raptor Technologies. The fresh and contemporary design breathed new life into their online presence, aligning with their evolved brand identity. We also implemented a robust site navigation menu that makes it easy for users to access the information they seek, promoting a seamless and intuitive user experience. Furthermore, the redesign prominently showcases Raptor Technologies’ unique value propositions, ensuring that visitors were met with a clear understanding of the products and services. This project not only revitalized their digital image but also fortified their position as a leader in their industry.


Increase in Organic Traffic


Increase in Engagement Rate