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Case study

Shift Transit

Services Provided:

Shift Transit is a leading mobility operations company, managing bikeshare, carshare, scooter, and microtransit programs across North America. Shift Transit offers expertise across all areas of mobility programs, including launch planning and asset deployment, fleet management, marketing and sales, and government relations.

The Challenge

As a leader in the mobility industry, Shift Transit approached HMG after experiencing great success and sustained growth as a company. Ready to take things to the next level, Shift was looking for an experienced partner to enhance its website in order to more accurately reflect the brand’s expertise, help establish an engaged community of followers, and promote more action among the site’s visitors. Recognizing Shift’s continued potential, we knew an improved digital presence would be the key to success and we eagerly jumped on board to build a high-quality website that would position the company for scalability.



Building out our strategy and approach, we knew it was important to focus our time around site-mapping, establishing a well-thought-out site architecture that makes information easy to locate. We set goals and planned our design around user flows and conversions, ensuring we optimized the page layout so the user would naturally be led to prominent calls-to-action.


As we established the look and feel of the site, we wanted to keep it professional but still friendly and approachable. To achieve this goal, we incorporated curves, custom iconography, and light colors in the design. We also wanted to convey the “cutting edge” nature of the industry, which you’ll see reflected in the movement and animation that users experience as they move around the site.

Our main focus with the design was integrating the impressive data that demonstrates Shift’s expertise and track record of success. Interspersed throughout the site, these stats further establish Shift’s credibility as the leader in Mobility Operations.


For the site’s development, we created custom post types – including a brand new case study template – allowing the Shift team to add new content to the site as needed. We developed animations to make the site more engaging and included a custom contact form – the star of the website. Leveraging WordPress as the CMS framework, we incorporated the Elementor page builder so non-technical team members can easily make changes to the site at anytime.


As Shift moved into a respected position as an industry leader, it became more and more crucial for the brand to have a digital footprint that reflected its expertise and authority. Now, Shift is equipped with a site that prominently features case studies and important figures, effortlessly guides users to the most important content, and promotes action and conversion among target audiences. With a new digital presence, Shift has already seen an increase in the number of leads that come in through its website. The clear calls-to-action and simple design of the site have even produced an above-average conversion rate of 7% for the contact forms. Moving forward, Shift is continuing to partner with HMG, focusing on expanding its social media presence to drive additional traffic to the site.