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Case study

State Bar of Texas

Services Provided:

As an administrative agency of the state’s judicial branch, the State Bar of Texas works to ensure the highest level of integrity in the administration of justice. By fostering only the highest standards of ethical conduct for lawyers, the State Bar of Texas assures all citizens equal access to justice.

The Challenge

The State Bar of Texas has always served as the first place that bar members and the public go for information about Texas lawyers, the State Bar and laws in Texas. When their team approached us with a goal of revamping its online web presence, we knew the project was no small undertaking. As an important resource for the legal system in Texas, the SBOT needed to find a way to communicate vast amounts of information to multiple audiences. Far larger than any project we had ever worked on, we were eager to take on the challenge.


With the State Bar of Texas’ mission in mind to support the legal system and assure all citizens equal access to justice, we developed a fully responsive website that enhanced the overall user experience. We created all the visual design on the site including typography, color palettes, layout of elements, grid systems and the usage of imagery within the entire design.

We used clear navigation to help users – whether the public or lawyers – identify the resources they are looking for. In addition, the site includes custom login features, search functionalities, and a thorough database, offering extensive solutions for visitors of all types.

Unlike most projects, we created the final website code renderings for all the designs and then sent them over to The State Bar of Texas to be integrated through the back-door of the website on their end. Our team worked closely with the SBOT internal resources to ensure proper implementation and launch of the newly crafted website.


The State Bar of Texas’ new site simplified the organization’s current web offerings and enriched the member/public value. Whether a member of the public or a lawyer, visitors can easily navigate through the site, identify the resources they need, and access the necessary functionalities to accomplish their goals.