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Case study

System Surveyor

Services Provided:

System Surveyor provides system integrators, technology directors, and consultants one place to gather site survey information. Through visualization and collaboration, customers and stakeholders can create an accurate system design and a digital as-built. System Surveyor aims to eliminate inefficient site surveys that take hours to put into an accurate, professional, and actionable system design.

The Challenge

As a growing brand, System Surveyor approached us for support in marketing its sophisticated system design software to new audiences. The goal was to establish an enhanced digital presence that would better portray the brand digitally and increase lead generation.

Starting off our partnership, System Surveyor’s existing site was crafted together with messaging that primarily emphasized the features and benefits of the brand’s innovative product. While we understood this was an important angle to present to customers, we knew System Surveyor’s success would be found in the bigger picture of who the company is as a brand. As a foundation for the web design process, we set out to help the team clarify and tell their original brand story.


From strategists to developers, our team completely immersed ourselves in System Surveyor’s brand and industry. We researched, interviewed, and collaborated to become experts in its products, including all the technical details. Our team members attended an industry trade show and had the opportunity to interact with competitors, learn more about the industry, and interview customers firsthand. Using our findings, we developed a unique Brand Toolkit that shapes System Surveyor’s brand positioning and paints a robust picture of the value the business brings to customers and the market.

Brand Identity

Diving into the design aspect of the project, we completed enhancements to System Surveyor’s visual brand identity. The previous logo was ready for an update, so we applied our creative thinking to develop a sharp, new brand image for them.

For our design, we incorporated the brand’s original colors in a modernized format. The design demonstrates a grid that represents a floor plan and surveillance camera view angle.

This logo is clean, professional, and establishes a more enterprise feel through darker colors, clean lines, and sharp lettering. We chose to capitalize both words and used different stroke sizes to make it easier to instantly distinguish between the two.

Web Strategy

For the web portion of the project, we first wanted to understand potential audiences that would be visiting the website. We identified unique characteristics of each audience and mapped out the anticipated user journey for various user groups. From there, we worked on restructuring the website to better serve System Surveyor’s business goals. Based on the new messaging defined in System Surveyor’s brand story, we reorganized content on the site to clearly convey what sets the brand apart from competitors, as well as the value it brings to customers.

The site’s architecture and messaging laid the foundation for a web presence that appeals to new clientele, generates new leads, and ultimately, increases sales.

Web Design

As we created a fresh design for the site, we focused on establishing a modern, enterprise feel that clearly displays the features of a product.

We incorporated videos and motion to keep users engaged and moving from one section to the next. Because we were marketing such a sophisticated product, we wanted to be able to accurately display the full spectrum of its technological capabilities, which we felt was best communicated through collaborative videos and custom graphics.

Web Development

The custom graphics included screen captures and call-outs of highlighted features.

Throughout the site’s development on the WordPress CMS, our primary goal was to deliver a site that could be managed and administered by internal staff members. We incorporated the Elementor page builder so that the System Surveyor team can create pages on their own and add content as needed.


“Our logo is a huge step forward. We’ve received a very positive response on our rebranding efforts, and traffic is up on our website.

Recently, we entered into a high-tier accelerator program for startups. Because of HMG’s work, we appear like a larger, more professional company. That’s helped us build confidence within our consumer base.”

– Maureen Carlson, VP Marketing & Sales at System Surveyor

The HMG team was professional, creative, and knowledgeable about their technology. I never doubted their capabilities.