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Case study

Water Energy Services

Services Provided:

WES provides an abundance of water services for a number of activities used in the energy industry – including supply, transport, treating, recycling, reclamation and disposal. Dedicated to safeguarding, enhancing and developing environmental solutions, WES partners with the energy industry and industrial companies who share its vision for a sustainable future.

The Challenge

After experiencing much growth and change as a company, Water Energy Services came to a critical point where a pivot was the best path for continued success. Wanting to leave behind aspects of the brand that were no longer relevant to its audience, Water Energy Services was ready for a fresh look and presence that would remind competitors and customers alike who the frontrunner in the water energy industry is. Seeking a web presence that would appeal to investors along with a brand image to exude strength and power, Water Energy Services selected HMG as a partner to reposition the brand.


Without a previous website or online presence, Water Energy Services faced an opportunity to start from scratch and create a strong brand identity.

HMG focused on helping Water Energy Services rediscover decades of rich history and establish a new sense of credibility as a reliable, quick, and efficient service provider.

Brand Story

Wanting to rebuild meant starting with a completely fresh slate, which opened up a world of opportunities for how we would present and position the brand. As our first step, we hosted a brand workshop where we asked questions and completed interactive exercises with company stakeholders to uncover helpful secrets about the brand. What we discovered was more powerful than we could have imagined.

In an industry generally focused on products and services, Water Energy Services was uniquely set apart as a people-centric company. Even more, WES was motivated by hard work, innovative practices, and a commitment to safety and environmentally friendly solutions. We knew we struck a chord when we identified a common thread in every core value woven throughout the WES brand: no matter what the task was, WES was always focused on going further. This was the perfect cornerstone to position WES as a strong player in the industry.

We helped WES formulate mission and vision statements based on the insights we uncovered in the workshop, and crafted a new brand commitment:

Whether it’s serving our oil field clients, training our people, or innovating the water recycling process, WES is going further in every aspect of our business.

We knew this new, powerful brand identity was the perfect foundation for the website project we were about to embark upon together.

Logo Design

In crafting the visual identity, we worked with WES to develop a recognizable, powerful logo that would establish the organization as a prominent brand in the industry. To achieve this, we incorporated elements of fluidity to represent WES’ work with water, used hues of blue to evoke feelings of loyalty and confidence within the customers, and selected bold fonts to display strength and toughness.

The result was a professional, clean logo that can easily be identified out in the field or on a job site.

Web Design

Our first step for Water Energy Services’ web presence was to develop a landing page to serve as a temporary destination for customers and potential investors while we built out the full site.

For the look and feel of the site and landing page, we wanted to emphasize WES’ dedication to people. As we identified imagery for the site, we made sure to incorporate friendly, trustworthy faces together with field or product photos. These images help convey WES’ values of being a personal brand committed to service, integrity, humility, and community.

The site’s color palette is based on the blue hues used in the logo to symbolize trust and professionalism. We also incorporated whites and grays for a clean, simple look. The thin, more delicate fonts we chose were intentionally used to streamline the design and help balance the bold aesthetic.

Web Development

To echo Water Energy Services’ innovation as a business, we incorporated engaging elements and interactive movement throughout the site. The site was developed on WordPress for simpler administration, with a custom theme and additional functionalities. We knew developing easy-to-use, accessible contact forms would be the key to success for this website, offering a clear way for affiliates to find information and get involved.


After launch, Water Energy Services experienced widespread reception and positive feedback for its new website. With a powerful brand, recognizable and sophisticated logo, and professional digital presence, WES has taken a major step towards stronger brand recognition and credibility. A clear brand story has equipped WES to now easily communicate its mission, commitment, and values to bring about better alignment within the organization.

The new website will serve to educate customers, engage investors, and boost overall brand awareness. Our marketing-forward approach will allow WES to make progress towards its goals of expanding its facilities, growing its service offerings, and expanding resources.