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Marketing Strategy

You’ve invested in building a strong brand. Now it’s time to spread the word – and it starts with understanding your customers.

Let us help you develop a play-by-play game plan to strategically reach your target audiences by assessing the market, your competitors, and your current or desired customer base.

Our marketing expertise paired with data analysis helps us outline the defining traits of your target audiences. This in turn helps formulate strategic messaging and identify the most impactful method to engage each segment.


Marketing Strategy Services

Discovery and Research

Starting with an in-depth interactive workshop, our team will dive into learning about your brand, seeking to understand your current positioning in the marketplace amongst competitors and identifying potential for future growth.


Through research and interviews, we’ll reveal data-driven insights to help you learn more about each of your target audiences. This process defines specific characteristics and habits of each persona.

Channels and Platform

For each of the personas we define for your brand, we then identify the sweet spot – the channel or platform where they most often “hang out.” These channels will align with your brand story and open the door to increased engagement.


Derived directly from your Brand Story, messaging for your customers speaks from the heart of your brand, tailored to each persona’s unique characteristics and journey and strategically crafted for the relevant channel.


We can’t start our journey until we know where we’re going. Using the marketing funnel to guide us, we’ll establish marketing goals and metrics for your brand that align with your overall business objectives and help us track our progress.

Timeline and Budget

Creating a clear, practical plan, we define the frequency of communication recommended for each marketing channel and break down estimated costs for execution/management, design, and ad spend.


The final result of the marketing strategy process is a clearcut Marketing Plan – your brand’s roadmap for the future. This comprehensive guidebook will equip you with every step forward on your new journey to growth. With a clear outline on who to reach, where to find them, when to connect with them, and how to communicate your message, your internal or external marketing team will have the instructions it needs for marketing success.

Gain and Competitive Advantage

With high-level rules in place to guide strategic marketing activities for each audience, your business will cruise down the perfect pathway to grow your brand and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the market.

Trusted by 200+ Clients

Ready to boost your marketing efforts?

Whether individual services or full-blown marketing execution, our team takes the reins in building effective campaigns, making sure they’re seen by the right people, and tracking data for measurable results.