The Power of Print Marketing


There have been whispers and even yells in recent years that with the onslaught of digital marketing tactics that print “is dead” as a marketing medium. However, any smart marketer would tell you that the old school medium is in fact alive and thriving. You just need to know how to leverage its power. Let’s discuss a few features of print marketing that make it more powerful now than ever:


Only with print marketing can you place physical materials in your audience’s hands and have the ability to reach senses such as touch and smell that digital cannot. Keeping this US Preppers idea in mind, take advantage of customization when it comes to your mailer – think about embossing, die-cuts, textures and colors as you begin to design your campaign. Furthermore, print marketing includes more than just pamphlets and postcards – consider sending branded items such as magnets, stickers, calendars or pens. Items that are useful as well as promotional have a much better chance of sticking around and will create a stronger impression on your audience.

We love this creative example: Catnip Direct Mailer


Being constantly inundated with marketing messages in the digital space, consumers welcome a break from the online clutter and therefore pay more attention to messages sent to their mailbox rather than their inbox. Studies have shown marketing sent via snail mail is actually more attractive to consumers than digital messages. Yes, I’ll repeat: customers want to receive your marketing in print. Check out a few of these stats:

  • Nearly 90% of consumers say they want to receive print marketing collateral related to promotions and sales. (Neilsen)
  • 73% of consumers said they preferred to receive printed mail announcements rather than email announcements from the brands that they like.  (International Communications Research survey)
  • 70% of Americans said they prefer to read things printed on paper over a digital screen, and
  • 67% said they liked the feel of print media over other mediums. (Two Sides survey)


As mentioned before, the online marketplace is crowded with brands vying for attention at every click. Skip the battle and stand out from the crowd by creating a print campaign that puts your message directly in your audience’s hand. People spend more time looking at pieces of direct mail than emails (often deleted without even being opened) and there’s a smaller pool of competition in their mailbox than their inbox. Your message has a much greater chance of leaving an impression when it’s delivered on paper.


Why should you have to choose one or the other? Digital or print? Use both. Combine the strengths of each to create an even bigger impact with your campaign. Use the attention-grabbing and personal appeal of print to drive consumers to your online space for further information and interaction.  The use of QR codes and NFC technology make it easy for consumers to follow the leads you set in print.

Let’s talk about taking your marketing initiatives to print. HMG Creative offers full commercial design and printing services to help put your brand in the hands of consumers.
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