It’s no secret the web has grown – but just like it’s hard to see change in yourself, it’s hard to see it online until you really look at the big picture. From 1984-2013, the web saw huge changes in terms of users, as well as socially and technologically speaking. Just to see how much it’s really changed, take a look at the infographic below hostgator coupon , thanks to From 1984 to 1998, the Internet had grown to 50 million users. Since then, it’s grown to 2.7 billion users (39% of the world’s population) and counting. The implications of this, as well as the rapid increase in mobile use, are overwhelming. And let’s not forget about the growth of social media – Facebook, since its launch in 2004, has since grown to over 1 billion users. These numbers should speak for themselves – take advantage of them, and make the most out of your online presence, because people do notice. Some experts even say that by 2020, everyone will be online. Prepare yourselves.