The Rise of The Visual Social Network [INFOGRAPHIC]


I recently came across this infographic by John Lanigan in which he highlights the shift to a more visual social experience across many of our favorite social networks. You see (no pun intended), since the beginning of time we have been forming pictures and drawings to tell stories and express our ideas; it’s as innate as blinking. Before a written language our ancestors would carve hieroglyphs into cave walls, we created visual maps to guide us across uncharted land and children today draw pictures before they can even utter a word.

“Brands that can rock visual media will find themselves market leaders.” -Ekaterina Walter

Presently in social media, we have witnessed the shift from 400-word blog posts to Facebook posts (roughly 200-300 characters) to 140-character tweets to the advent of Instagram, which hosts only pictures. This transition is proof that we are in a visual age and one of immediacy. We expect to get the information we seek as quickly, and as efficiently, as possible. There’s no better way to achieve this than through visuals that allow the audience to create their own unique caption, further resonating with each viewer. Not only is this a more captivating approach but also one that will remain in the viewer’s memory much longer.

Try introducing a few eye-catching visuals into your online marketing plan. You won’t regret it!