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15 Reasons To Use WordPress


WordPress, the most responsive web designers for your business, has been around since 2003 and is the most popular blogging software on the market. WordPress is the world’s most popular tool for creating and managing websites — any kind of website, from a simple blog to a full-featured business website. Here are our TOP 15 reasons why WordPress is so popular and why you should consider switching to a WordPress platform for your company’s website.

1. Less $$$ Spent on Maintenance

With WordPress, you will no longer need to call your web designer every time you want to make a change. With WordPress, you can make the edits yourself, whenever you want, and save the money you would’ve paid your designer for more important things by adding new pages on your own.

2. Your Site becomes 100% Customizable

It shouldn’t come as a surprise but it is wort highlighting that WordPress gives you 100% customization freedom. Do you want a big website? Small Website? Blog? Lot’s of images? Social media integration? All of those are up to you, and can be done with ease. Change your mind later on? Fear not, you can always make changes to the site layout/design whenever you want.

3. Generate A Conversation With Your Visitors

Because of things like comments, you are now able to actually talk back to people via your webiste. Sure, you can always have a “contact us” page on your traditional Web site, but blog comments allow for anonymous two-way discussion between you and your readers. And, every time someone makes a comment to one of your posts, the inclusion of their content full of keyword phrases helps you to build better search positioning. It’s like getting free SEO help from the general public!

4. No HTML Editing Required

WordPress was created to make web design available to anyone. Their goal is for anyone and everyone to be able to create a new page or blog post, format text, upload images, etc. without needing to understand HTML. Anyone at your company can use this platform.

5. WordPress Sites = Better Results

We won’t get in to deep in how this works, but in a nut shell, WordPress produces a very simple code. This, in return, makes it extremely easy for Google and the liking to find your website. WordPress also has its on SEO plugin available, which allows you to have very precise search engine optimization.

6. Blogging Available At Your Fingertips

Some people may not realize this, but WordPress was originally a blogging platform. They have since transformed into full website hosting capabilities, but have not lost their top-of-the-line blogging service. You can use wordpress hosting services now. WordPress makes it very easy to enable commenting capabilities, email subscriptions, and even automatically add the most recent blog posts to other pages of the site.

7. Gain Control of Your Website

No more waiting for your web designer to make simple updates to your site. With WordPress, you have control of nearly every aspect of your site and can easily make those simple updates yourself.

8. Easier User Interface

For most people, WordPress is the easiest web design platform to use on the market.  This is one of the best things about WordPress because it makes what used to be a daunting task extremely simple. Things like adding new pages, blog posts, images and so on are done quickly, easily, and pain-free.

9. Plugins Are Now Your Best Friend

With WordPress, you can add an event calendar, photo collage, contest entry and more to your site with ease. WordPress makes this possible with all of it’s plugins, most of which are free (yes, free!)

10. Growth Can Easily Occur

WordPress sites are extremely easy to expand. You can have endless amounts of pages or blog posts on your site and the performance of the site will not be compromised in the least. This allows for easy expansion of your online brand as your business grows.

11. Stay Up-To-Date For Free

Unlike traditional Web site software like Dreamweaver, PhotoShop or Flash, upgrades to WordPress blog software is free.

12. Accessible by Multiple Users

WordPress allows the administrator of the account to set-up multiple users for the website. Once they have an account, you can assign specific access levels and limitations to each user as needed. Now a single task can be completed by almost anyone you want.

13. Ability to Manage Your Website Anywhere

Because WordPress is accessible on any browser, it allows you to manage your site anywhere that have internet access.

14. Connect With Social Media

Social media is a great way to let your audience know that you have some new content posted. With WordPress, you can automatically integrate your blog posts with social media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn instead of having to go to each one, login, and make a post that you’ve just added something new to your website.

15. One-Step Posting

You are now one simple step away from making your content appear live with WordPress. There are no 10, 5 or even 3-step processes to publish content live. It’s one single step, which saves you time and effort.