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9 Social Media Trends to Watch for in 2020


Do you want your brand to win on social media in 2020?

Are you looking to create a plan to engage your audience on social channels?

With the increasing influence of social media in our everyday lives, companies and marketers are looking to social media more than ever to connect with target prospects.

However, competition is steep. Social media is currently facing a content overload, and standing out will continue to be a challenge unless you have a clear and sharp social media marketing strategy.

Over the next year, you can expect to see these 9 common social media trends emphasized among brands and marketers:

No More “Like” Buttons on Instagram

Any change instigated by Instagram is likely to have a ripple effect on the state of all social media networks. With Instagram already testing out the removal of the “like” feature on some accounts, get ready for the widespread impact – no longer being able to see the number of likes other Instagram posts get.

If you’re wondering, “what’s the point?,” the idea is to depressurize Instagram from being such a competitive/comparative atmosphere and combat fake accounts and bots. People will no longer fixate on likes as a determination of social media popularity. Instead, brands will be free to engage with their audience in more meaningful, personal ways.

Audience Segmentation 

As each of us crafts a post for social media, we always keep in mind those who will be seeing or receiving the content. Without having a clear idea of who our target audience is, it’s hard to formulate the right messaging to effectively connect with those we want to reach.

Segmentation involves the strategic distribution of an audience into significant groups based on demographics and individual preferences. Segmentation allows you to focus on and develop an affinity with your audience. In the coming years, you can expect segmentation to be a defining mark between those employing the best social media tactics and those who are just winging it.

More Private Interactions

Social media friend lists have started becoming more cumbersome, and our society’s growing concerns with privacy have resulted in more people relying on private groups and messaging apps to connect with others. Messaging apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram allow users to create private groups, providing more privacy when sharing detailed information with others.

This next year, expect direct messaging to continue growing as a trend over more public conversations. Messaging apps have now outgrown social channels as the connective tool for many users.

Leveraging on User-Generated Content

User-generated content is not a new social media trend. Today, however, marketers are tapping into the power of user-generated content more than ever. Why? Customers feel that organic content posted by their peers is more authentic, reliable and compelling than curated content generated by a brand to market itself.

For example, brands like Olay and Dove motivate their customers to be part of their marketing campaigns. Rather than feeling sold to, consumers gain a sense of active participation in the brand’s mission and impact.

When social media followers have their content re-posted by large accounts or their favorite brands, they feel seen, heard, and validated. It’s the perfect opportunity for a brand to delight and engage customers in a way that creates lifelong brand advocates.

Adoption of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality intensifies our existence by combining digital elements with real-life scenarios and shaping the way things look. Social media platforms have found compelling use cases for this technology and have started leveraging it in recent years. Take, for example, Instagram or Snapchat filters. Have you ever used one of their silly-face filters to take a selfie? You can thank AR for the hilarious (or embarrassing) photo you just sent.

With this new trend rapidly on the rise, you can expect to see more and more creative uses of augmented reality in social media apps. Be ready to capitalize on the perfect opportunities this technology will be opening up for your brand to connect with consumers in a unique, fun way.

Youtube and Videos 

Like last year, videos are the most engaging content in social media right now. Be it, short videos like TikTok or Stories or long-form content on YouTube, videos are the future of social media.

If you haven’t incorporated video into your marketing strategy, you should consider it to stay relevant in the social media realm. Data suggests the more time an audience spends on watching a video, the more likely a purchase will be made.

Youtube ranks second behind google, thus making it very important for brands to focus on video content to make sure they stay in the game.

Micro-Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing continues to trend and will most likely stay for a while in social media.

Users feel more connected to an influencer over a brand that markets itself, because of the personable aspect of an individual person.

A brand shouldn’t undervalue the power of micro-influencers. Though they may have a  petite audience, this allows them to foster deeper connections. Influencers, at this stage, provide more personalization and robust audience engagement. The key is to create a sharp influencer strategy that blends with your marketing plan.

Stories on Social Media  

Marketers need to have a solid, engaging story strategy for 2020 with daily images and short video content. Stories are an excellent way to get a few seconds of proper attention from the audience. Stories also help in adding a touch of humankind to your social media by using emojis, stickers and engagement techniques.

Adding stories will help improve the engagement rate of the brand and will reach a larger potential audience. Get creative and start posting stories to lead the way.

Tiktok is Disrupting Social Media Videos

The weight on the video indicates that video-driven platforms such as TikTok and Byte will proceed to breed in popularity. TikTok is the social media disruptor currently influencing the way, particularly with Gen Z users.

This social video app is well-positioned to cast this trend as it allows lush terrain for influencers. TikTok is boosting user engagement with its unconventional and exciting content. So, marketers will have to start exploring ways to take advantage of TikTok for endorsing their brand.

A New Era

Social media marketing is inaugurating the new era which is frequently being driven by technology.

Social media is a vibrant and contentious space, and these trends can help you ace your digital marketing sport.

So, stay informed of the freshest developments around social media and practice these for your social media initiatives.