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Turn Strangers Into Advocates With Inbound Marketing


It’s no secret that Inbound Marketing drives leads for business, but in order for this to happen, marketers must first understand the inbound methodology. So whether you’re completely new to inbound marketing or you’re just looking for some inspiration for your existing strategy, you’ve come to the right place.

What Is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketing is the process of attracting consumers toward specific products or services, then refining the process to improve results. Contrary to traditional marketing where brands “push” their messages in front of consumers, inbound marketing is more of a “pull” strategy. With inbound marketing, the goal is to earn and retain the audience’s interest. Much like fishing with specific bait, inbound strategies are tailored to fit personas, which are narrow audience segments that share common beliefs, values, or experiences.

What Are The Benefits?
The greatest strength of inbound marketing is that the audience gives a brand permission to market to them. Often referred to as “permission (opposed to “interruption”) marketing,” this process seeks to entice an audience to step up their own engagement, ultimately to the point where they become repeat customers advocating to others on the brand’s behalf. It is also in the brand’s interest to step up its own engagement, by collecting and analyzing data throughout the process in order to make changes that improve results.

The Six Key Stages of Inbound Marketing
Our latest eBook, The Definitive Guide to Inbound Marketing, provides guidance, techniques and useful tips to help you turn strangers into customers. Here are the six key stages of inbound marketing that we cover:

Want to read more? Grab a cup of coffee and download our free eBook now.