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Digital Acronyms Every Marketer Should Know


Digital acronyms are heavily used as a way to simplify digital language in most workplaces today. In the marketing and advertising world, it is important to be aware of as many digital and workplace acronyms as possible in order to stay up to speed. Broaden your knowledge of the digital space by familiarizing yourself with acronyms from programming to social media metrics.


ATB: Authorization to Buy

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

SEM: Search Engine Marketing

B2B: Business to Business

B2C: Business to Consumer

CRM: Customer Relationship Management

CMS: Content Management System

CTA: Call to Action

CX: Customer Experience

DR: Direct Response

LTV: Lifetime Value

S2S: Server to Server

SaaS: Software as a Service

SME: Small Medium Enterprise

SSP: Supply Side Platform

UCD: User Centric Design

UGC: User Generated Content

UV: Unique Visitor

VM: Viral Marketing

AR: Augmented Reality

VR: Virtual Reality

Social Media:

SM: Social Media

DM: Direct Mail

FB: Facebook

FBML: Facebook Markup Language

IM: Instant Messaging

RT: Retweet

SMM: Social Media Marketing

SMO: Social Media Optimisation

SMP: Social Media Platform

VOD: Video on Demand


KPI: Key Performance Indicator

CLV: Customer Lifetime Value

AOV: Average Order Value

CPA: Cost Per Acquisition/Action

CPC: Cost Per Click

CPL: Cost Per Lead

CPM: Cost Per Thousand

CPV: Cost Per View

CR: Conversion Rate

CRO: Conversion Rate Optimisation

CTR: Click Through Rate

ECPM: Effective Cost Per Thousand

EPC: Earnings Per Click

LTV: Lifetime Value

PPC: Pay Per Click

PPL: Pay Per Lead

PR: Page Rank

PV: Page Views

ROI: Return on Investment

ROS: Run of Site


API: Application Program Interface

GA: Google Analytics

UTM: Urchin Tracking Module

ASP: Application Service Provider

DMP: Data Management Platform

DNS: Domain Name System

DSP: Demand Side Platform

ESP: Email Service Provider

FTP: File Transfer Protocol

IMAP: Instant Message Access Protocol

IP: Internet Protocol

ISP: Internet Service Provider

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer

OS: Operating System

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

QR Code: Quality Response Code

RSS: Really Simple Syndication

SERP: Search Engine Results Page

SLA: Service Level Agreement

SSL: Secure Sockets Layer

TLD: Top Level Domain

TOS: Terms of Service

UI: User Interface

URL: Uniform Resource Locator


RFI: Request for Information

RFP: Request for Proposal

SMS: Short Message Service

As the digital space continues to evolve, it’s important to be able to recognize and quickly act on requests that include any of the above acronyms. Familiarize yourself now, because this list is sure to grow in the near future.