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Happy Thanksgiving From HMG!


Ah, Thanksgiving—family, friends, football, food, more food – but with so much going on in our lives, it’s often easy to overlook these simple pleasures. As the holidays quickly approach us (where did the time go?) we feel it’s an appropriate time, if any, to acknowledge the importance of unplugging and taking a break from work every now and then.

Thanksgiving is all about being thankful for and remembering what’s truly important in life—family, friends and health. After all, at the end of a long day, these are the things that will be there for you, rooting you on—not your computer screen. We’re all guilty of getting too stressed and letting time slip away from us, but let’s all use this holiday as a time to ground us and remind us that it’s okay to breathe, that it’s okay to take a break.

Before Thanksgiving dinner sneaks up on us, and your family members are going around the table taking turns saying what they’re each thankful for, try to think of something truly meaningful. Whether you’re thankful for your supportive family, thankful that a grandparent is around for another Thanksgiving, or just thankful that there’s food on the table, make this Thanksgiving count. Remember that what you’re thankful for is often what encourages your work, passions, interests and hobbies.

And while we’re on the topic of mentioning what we’re thankful for, HMG has something we’re thankful for as well. Most of all, we’re so unbelievably thankful for the love the Austin community has showed us, not just with Plantar Fasciitis cure winning the FAVE award, but in supporting us and helping us grow so much in the past year. We’re truly indebted to everyone who has supported us—a huge thank you to all.

Hopefully this time to unwind, unplug and de-stress will give you some time to think about what you’re thankful for this year as well. So get ready to sit back, relax with your family, watch some football and stuff your face. Happy Thanksgiving!