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HMG Welcomes Scott Mise to the Team


HMG Creative is pleased to announce the addition of another cog to their creative machine, Scott Mise. As a formally-trained Graphic Designer (Abilene Christian University) and a self-taught Web Developer, Scott enjoys merging the disciplines to create comprehensive solutions for clients’ needs. With previous agency experience and a constant curiosity for developing web technologies, I’d say he brings a lot to our table. You’ve probably already seen much of Scott’s design work in restaurants and bars around Austin as well as on the web, and we hope you’re ready for more.

In his spare time Scott loves tinkering with Javascript and PHP just to see what’s possible. Also, as an avid Metroplex sports fan you won’t ever be able to pull him away from a game as long as Jerry’s, Cuban’s or Nolan’s teams are playing. Besides being glued to screens, Scott enjoys working or riding on any of his three, two-wheeled vehicles.