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My Year at HMG

Photo courtesy of Natalie Schulte

Photo courtesy of Natalie Schulte

It’s hard to believe it’s only been a year since I first walked in the doors at HMG, but in these twelve short months I can hardly believe the experience I’ve gained here. Right off the bat, I was told I wouldn’t be the typical coffee-fetching intern (been there, done that)—and I truly wasn’t. Despite joking around that if we ever got Franklin BBQ for lunch, I would be the one sent to wait in the never-ending line, I really felt like I was an integral part of the team; that I was more than just “the intern.” I was always encouraged to share my ideas and thoughts, something I feel is important in any working environment. I even got to develop and pitch several marketing campaigns, which has given me invaluable experience.

So what have I been doing over the past year as HMG’s Social Media and Marketing Coordinator, you might ask? First and foremost (as you may have guessed by the fancy title I was given), one of my main responsibilities was managing/overseeing HMG’s social media accounts, including our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Another one of my primary responsibilities was contributing to and managing the HMG blog—this included scheduling blog posts, brainstorming my own content, and reaching out to potential guest bloggers. I even submitted a few posts to iMediaConnection.com and got published not just once, but twice, which was pretty exciting. I also helped create content for some of HMG’s monthly digital tidbits—you may have seen our spring update in your inbox recently!

Furthermore, I had a hand in some of the copy on our new website. Seeing content that I wrote on a live site, even if it’s just a header here or there, is so rewarding. Little things like that are what made me feel like I really was part of the HMG team. Another highlight of my internship was when we won a FAVE award. After weeks of pushing out our nomination via social media, it was so exciting that we won, especially because it was such a group effort. After we heard the good news, I drafted a press release about our win, which I sent out to various local media outlets. On top of all this, I worked on a partner campaign, which we recently started to push out to potential partners. I even had a hand in creating HMG’s first drip marketing campaign, which we recently launched via email. Seeing content and ideas that I helped create come to life is incredibly gratifying.

Whew! So, there you have it. It’s truly amazing what you can accomplish in a year. Now, as I’m about to graduate, I’m preparing myself for a new (and scary!) chapter of my life. But, I definitely have the entire team at HMG to thank for their continued support and the skills they’ve taught me.  My suggestion to college students looking for internships? Keep your options open—that’s what I did, and wound up with an amazing one at HMG Creative!