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A New Website for CBIONE


CBIONE has been a market leading specialist in the circuit breaker industry for over 35 years. During this time, the company has developed a strong and reliable reputation in the electrical industry nationwide for our quality products, competitive prices and superior service. Providing a large inventory of new and reconditioned circuit breakers, CBIONE came to HMG with needs for a new website design, Google Analytics, and email marketing.

Because the company makes products for clients ranging from Siemens to GE to Westinghouse, we knew the website had to easily convey the variety of services offered. Accomplishing all of this, we provided user experience and web design, WordPress CMS, blog implementation, the analytics, ongoing support, and email marketing with a custom email template.

The site now allows for an easy overview of all of the circuit breakers provided, different repair services including before and after results, examples of specialized Busway and Bus Plugs, fusible switches, and various Motor Control needs. Visit the new site at CBIONE to see the results of all of the work HMG did.