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Tips And Tricks If You Use Slack


Slack is the fastest growing business application in history. Launching in 2014, Slack is a platform that connects teams with the apps, services, and resources they need to get their daily work done. With access to over 1,000 apps and a strategic API, Slack works with partners and developers globally to create apps and integrations that make your work more efficient, automates tasks and brings better content into your conversations in Slack. Not only is it a great tool for communication and project management, it also creates a more social work environment by allowing individuals to send quick emojis and gifs. We love Slack, so we thought we’d compile our favorite Slack hacks.

File and message searching:

  • Type “in:channelname” to search only the message or files in a specific channel
  • Type “in:name” to search direct messages with another user
  • Type “from:me” to search only the messages you’ve sent anywhere in Slack
  • Type “from:username” to limit your search to messages from a specific user anywhere in Slack
  • Type “has:link” to narrow your search to messages containing a specific URL
  • Type “has:emojiname” to search messages containing a specific emoji
  • Type “has:star” to search messages you have starred
  • Type “before:today/yesterday” to search messages from a specific day
  • Type “after:week/month/year” to search messages from a specific day
  • Type “on: or during:” to search messages on a specific day like (i.e. Saturday or October)

Formatting messages:

  • Bold text= “*word or phrase*
  • Italicize= “_word/section_
  • List= “Shift” + “Enter” to add new line, then to add bullet “Opt+8” (Mac) or “Alt+0149” (PC)
  • Strikethrough= “~word~
  • Blockquotes= “>” to indent  single line, “>>>” to indent multiple

To do list:

  • Type “/remind” into a text box, followed by the desired task.
  • Schedule specific time or date for reminders using MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • Review list by “/remind list

Edit messages already sent:

  • Press the arrow key, edit message, press “enter

Google Drive:

  • Paste Google Drive link into a message box, then click “Yes” to grand Google Drive permission to read the file
  • To grant access to Google Drive for future use, visit Google Drive app page, click “Configure” then “Authenticate your Google Drive Account”, then hit “Allow

Desktop Notifications:

  • Receive alerts on your desktop when you receive a message by enabling notifications under You > Preferences > Notifications > Desktop Notifications

Gifs (Our favorite):

  • Set up Giphy app here then click “Install” next to your team name, then click “Add Giphy”
  • To send a GIF use “/Giphy {emotion, word, phrase]” and Slack will send a gif relating to that emotion.
  • To select your own Gif, go to giphy, choose a Gif, copy and paste the link into Slack
  • Create your own Emoji
  • Click on your name in the top left corner, then select “Customize Slack” from drop-down menu
  • Fill out information to create custom and upload an emoji image.

Collapse or expand:

  • When searching through conversations, you can collapse all inline images and video by entering “/collapse”
  • To re-expand those images use “/expand”

Add Keywords and Phrases:

  • Select your name from the top left corner, then click “preferences”.
  • Select “Notification Settings” then scroll down to “HIghlight Words” and add words or phrases that you’d like to be notified about and separate them using commas.

Private Message Command:

  • To send someone in your channel a private message that does not warrant the attention of everyone, type “/msg@user” and then enter your message.

Slack has created a buzz in the business world by creating a platform that helps companies efficiently communicate on a daily basis. Slack is user-friendly and adaptable to all your businesses needs with a wide range of third-party app capabilities. You can access Slack from Mac, Windows, and Linux. You can also use Slack from your mobile device with apps available for iOS, Android, and Windows phones. Slack is changing business conversations and pioneering technology capable of making the workplace more efficient.

Do you have any favorite hacks or tips? Share with us in the comments below!