Digital Marketing Strategy For The Fourth Quarter


The madness of starting another school year is finally starting to slow down. People are beginning to get back into their normal routines, and whether we like it or not, it’s time to accept that summer is coming to a close. We, personally, are looking forward to a breather from the Texas heat! Aside from saying goodbye to summer, it’s also time to prep for a strong finish to the last quarter of 2015. From our experience, digital marketing strategies can and does play a huge role in determining your success from quarter to quarter, so it should not be left on the “back burner.”

To help you in your final push towards the new year, we wanted to offer up some of our insights into building an even stronger digital marketing plan for your business. Regardless of what your company objectives are, each of these can provide a great deal of value in distinguishing yourself from your competition, building relationships with your audience, and increasing your profits.

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 1. Publish Content Regularly  

 Your goal should be to develop a content strategy that encompasses the products and services that your  company offers. Not only that, but you want to show your audience that you are the industry leader in the  market. Consider posting content that illustrates your experience on a particular issue for your clients, or  write a feature story on one of your products. Also, don’ t be afraid to recycle older content. Often times, you  can simply repost content that you created years ago. Unless it is irrelevant, this is a great way to generate a  ton of content that is already proven to be successful. For more information about developing quality content, check out our blog post on incorporating appropriate and relevant content.

2.  Review Your Current Email Marketing Strategy 

Begin by asking yourself, “How engaged are my clients and target audience?” Unfortunately, if your current communication strategy isn’t creating engagement with your audience, you will likely not be able to sell them anything. The good news is, by examining your current communication strategy should help with discovering better ways to generate more interaction with your audience. Experts at the Digital Hyve recommend you start by taking a look at your current email marketing strategy and examining what has done well in the past and vice versa. Take a look at your email open rates, click-through rates, etc. Once you have done this, you will now be able to tweak your strategy to follow more in line with what has worked well in the past. Also, you should always look at ways to incorporate more personalization into your emails, as this is a great way to nudge you on your way to a top performer.

Phone 3. Don’t Forget About Mobile

 In this day and age, nearly everyone has a smartphone or tablet. Regardless of your business, it is very likely  that some if not most of your content, emails, and the liking are being consumed via mobile. According to a  recent survey, more than 50 percent of emails are now opened on mobile devices. Because of statistics like this, responsive design is more important than ever before. Take a look at your current website on a  smartphone or tablet. Are you providing your target audience with the experience you expected? Are there any changes you want to make so that their experience is better? Don’t head into the final months of 2015  with an outdated mobile experience. If you find yourself in the situation described above, don’t hesitate to contact our team here at HMG. That’s what we are here for!

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4. Reform Your Social Media Strategy 

Social media strategies fail for a variety of reasons—lack of brand consistency, no value within the content, not sharing original material. They succeed when you’ve done the appropriate legwork. Social media strategy is different for every brand, company and product. In order to improve your current strategy, you need to follow some very important steps. This, in return, will help you fully grasp the value it can add, and learn the best ways to go about it. You should first start by conducting a social media audit. This, essentially, is an in-depth overview of your current platforms, strategy, content, etc. Find out how you are preforming, what types of post do well, what do poorly, and anything else that you deem to be valuable information. Next, do some secondary research on your competitors strategies.  How often are they posting, what are they posting, what platforms are they using, etc. These first two steps will help you grasp the nature of your audience, which will then help you begin to cater to their wants. Give your audience something to talk about, and join in on the conversation with them.

We hope these tips help you build up some momentum as we close out the year. While these are our top suggestions, they are definitely not everything available for you to use. Do you have some different tips to share for digital marketing? Please don’t hesitate to leave your comments below!