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When Winter Has Got you Down


Although parts of Texas don’t get below 20 degrees and snow doesn’t cover the roads, the winter blues still catch up to us. When the days are shorter, the air is colder and the outdoor activities are limited, it is easy to feel down as winter drags on. Before hibernating in your bed with your over used Netflix account, try these tricks to get your mood back on track:

Shake your tail feather

The best way to increase the happy feelings (endorphins) in your body is through exercise! Whether thats bundling up and running outside, lifting weights in the gym, doing hot yoga at a local studio or taking out your anger with kickboxing, just get up and move. The best part about getting hot and sweaty in the winter is the relief and calm feeling you get when you walk out into the cool air outside and you take in a deep breath that fills your lungs. If you’re just missing being warm in general, try hot yoga or relax in your gym’s sauna.

Show off your assets

Are you in a rut? Are you wearing mostly black, gray and dark blue? Try switching up your wardrobe and wear at least one bright color a day. Maybe your bright item is your socks or your tie. You can also mix up your appearance. Test out a new hair style or lipstick color. Make a small change that will make you more confident in your appearance. The best way to get out of a rut is to try something new and to learn and grow from it.

Organize your life

Set aside a day to clean your ENTIRE house. From top to bottom, wipe down mirrors and counters, clean windows and dust your shelfs. Vacuum the rugs and mop the floors. By the end of the day not only will you feel like you are living in a new and improved home, you will be exhausted. Once you’re finished, light a candle you love, grab a blanket you adore, curl up on the couch and watch your favorite movie. The feeling of accomplishment will ease you into a peaceful sleep and for the next coming days your spirits will be lifted as you notice how nice your place looks and feels.

New hobby, new you

Try something new. Take a jewelry making classes, learn how to paint or maybe learn a new language on Duolingo! Keeping your mind occupied on something you enjoy will lift you out of that winter funk. If you don’t have time to try something new, then swap your late night Netflix binging with a good book. Reading can transport you into a new reality that you aren’t familiar with. Get lost in the story and forget about your everyday challenges. No matter which you choose, stimulate your brain to keep you active during the cold months.

Winter can be a blast, but we all go through those moments where we wish we could have the sun shining on us again. Whatever makes you feel alive and happy again, do it. If you don’t know, try some of the suggestions above and learn what works for you.