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Why We Use WordPress (And Why You Should, Too)


When you think about WordPress, your mind may automatically drift to blogging. Indeed, WordPress started out as a blogging platform—but since its inception it has emerged into much more than that. With the addition of more and more features, WordPress has become a fully functional CMS (Content Management System). A CMS enables the end user to make changes to their site on an as-needed basis; regardless of how tech-savvy they are or how much HTML they know.

So, wondering what makes WordPress so great?

It’s user-friendly

As any CMS should be, it provides ease-of-use, and learning how to use its functionalities is relatively simple. Any time you want to make a small change to your website, whether it be the addition of a simple punctuation mark or the deletion of an unnecessary block of text, there’s no need to contact your web developer freaking out over the details. Simply log into your WordPress admin and use its rich-text editing features to make the necessary changes.

Solid foundation for SEO

Another bonus is that WordPress provides a strong foundation for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). However, don’t necessarily expect to remain at the top of SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). WordPress provides a great foundation for SEO, but it would behoove you to partner with a firm that specializes in ongoing SEO strategy if you want to achieve long-term results. Remember, (good) SEO is not a sprint but a marathon.

Awesome plugins

WordPress has tons of incredible and functional plugins that can be installed, setup and configured to extend the core functionality. One of our personal favorites, WooCommerce, turns your website into an eCommerce store. A knowledgeable web development agency (like HMG) can help you with installation and the additional coding that comes along with it. Some other plugins range from SEO to testimonials to social media integration.

Community feel and constant evolution

Lastly, WordPress has a massive community. If someone can’t answer your WordPress question, we guarantee you someone else (maybe us!) can. It’s always being updated and improved by members of its community, so if something happens to your site, you’ll have a widespread community of knowledgeable people to fall back on in case of emergency. WordPress is constantly evolving and releasing new features, plugins and updates—and as it has evolved into a world-class CMS, its community has grown along with.

Summing it all up

We use WordPress for the majority of our clients. Especially for small- to medium-sized businesses, WordPress is a fantastic and functional platform to launch a website on. That being said, a computerized platform can only be customized so much before you need that human touch to really make your site stand out. WordPress alone will get you about half of the way there, but if you really want a fully customized site it’s up to you to seek out a professional web designer to do the rest.

We’re WordPress experts—if you have any questions about launching your own WordPress site or adding more bespoke features to your current one, don’t be shy! We’d love to help answer your questions and give you a functional site.