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We Won The Award of Distinction!


HMG is thrilled to receive the Award of Distinction in the website category by the Communicator Awards for our work done on the Raise Your Hand Texas website! Competing against over 6,000 entries of talented work, we are honored to be recognized by the largest and most competitive awards programs in the world.


The Communicator Awards is the leading international creative awards program. Entries are judged on their merits against a standard of excellence considering the category they entered. A select group of top-tier individuals from theunnamed Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts are the judges for the Communicator Awards. These professionals come from well-renowned media, advertising, and marketing firms from across the world.

“The work entered in the 22nd Annual Communicator Awards serves as a benchmark in gauging the innovative ideas and capabilities of communications and marketing professionals around the world,” says Linda Day, executive director of the Academy Interactive and Visual Arts.

HMG is grateful to be acknowledged for our work with this prestigious award, and we owe it all to our amazing team. Check out the website that gave us the honorable Award of Distinction!