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Year In Review 2020


Remember January? Neither do we. This year has certainly been eventful, and all the unexpected turns have kept us plenty busy. As we review a year that has been unlike any other, we are incredibly grateful for everything we were able to accomplish. Here’s a peek into what the HMG team has been up to over the last twelve months.


Year In Review Infographic

What a Year

Somehow, 2020 feels as if it has dragged on and flown by at the same time. While it probably won’t go down as our favorite year ever, there were still plenty of high points. As a digital agency, we’re fortunate that much of our work was able to continue without interruption even as COVID-19 set in. This meant we were able to continue delivering amazing service and quality results to our clients, despite the many changes our world faced.

All of these challenges have led to a productive and successful year, with 6 new awards and lots of happy clients as proof. We are incredibly grateful for every business who placed their trust in us over the course of the year.  

So, what does next year hold in store? That’s anyone’s guess. While nobody can predict what will happen in 2021, there are plenty of ways we can prepare ourselves for a successful future. Whether you need to refresh your website or revitalize your brand image, the team here at HMG is ready to empower the next step in your business evolution. Send us a message to start off 2021 on the right foot! Until then, here’s to health and happiness!