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Meet Natalie, The New Kid on The Block


Hi! My name is Natalie Matthews and I am ecstatic to begin as the new social media and marketing intern at HMG Creative, this semester. Born and raised in Clear Lake, Texas, I have enjoyed dancing competitively for twelve years with my older sister and traveling alongside the rest of our family in our free time. I am an avid cooking show viewer, occasional chef for one and dedicated consumer of all things sweet. You can often find me making my way around Town Lake while listening to some of my favorite artists, ranging from Frank Sinatra to Katy Perry. I am passionate about empowerment, the alleviation of poverty, education and positive living.

Previously, I have interned with UT Dallas’ Center For BrainHealth, LIVESTRONG and Be The Change Global Outreach where I worked to promote each organization via social media management and marketing content creation. While there, I also developed new strategies for stewardship and charitable giving through research and data analytics. Last summer, I traveled to Cusco, Peru for a solo volunteer trip, where I worked with children ages 3–12, at Simatauka Environmental Elementary School. In the future, I would like to work abroad for a non-profit and specialize in brand management and digital marketing.

As I enter the second half of my junior year at The University of Texas, I can’t help but think about the amazing opportunities I have been afforded to grow personally and professionally. HMG is the next of these opportunities to experience working in this exciting industry. I hope that through this internship, I will learn how to utilize the many tools involved in managing and leveraging the digital sphere, develop my skills as a writer for varied target audiences and gain vast knowledge about the ever-changing world of branding, web development and marketing.

If you would like to know more about me, feel free to email me at pr{at}hmgcreative.com or follow me on Instagram @_natmat_.