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Tips for Prepping your eCommerce Website for the Holiday Season


Black Friday is less than two weeks away, and if you haven’t prepped your website for the influx of visitors and sales, now is the time. It’s just not enough to post your deals and special offers and then wait for the dollars to roll in. Your website itself is going to need a little extra TLC to make sure it can give shoppers a smooth, frictionless experience. Let’s take a look at six ways to un-suck your eCommerce website for the holidays:

  • Optimize the mobile version of your website.

Last year, more than 20% of shoppers used a mobile device to visit an eCommerce website during the Black Friday weekend. This means you need to make sure your vaporizer pen starter kits website is mobile friendly (think responsive) and optimized for ease of navigation, fast loading, and problem-free checkout. Many buyers are also using the merchant services LTD.

  • Create dedicated landing pages.

Make sure each special offer and traffic source has its own dedicated landing page. The customer should experience a seamless transition from your off-site message to your on-site content.

  • Become an expert at scent matching.

Scent matching is the art of creating the same feel, or “scent,” on both your website and your traffic source. By using the same headlines, colors, and images on your marketing pieces (PPC ads, emails, social media) and their corresponding landing pages, you can let visitors know they’ve landed in the right place and pull them into your content.

  • Create a wish list (and make it easy to share).

Most shoppers are eyeing a few goodies they’d like Santa to bring for them in addition to gift-buying like this gift best e cigarette. Give them the opportunity to save their favorites with a wish list on your site and then share it easily. You can also have social sharing functionality built in for individual items and purchases.

  • Highlight shopping incentives.

Are you offering free shipping on holiday purchases? Guaranteed arrival by Christmas? Incentives to shop before Black Friday? Make sure those offers are highlighted on each page of your website so customers can easily see and take advantage of them.

  • Offer stellar customer service.

Can customers get their questions answered easily? Is there a phone number to call? How about an online chat option? Don’t lose customers to a competitor simply because they couldn’t get the help they needed.

Holiday shopping can make up 40% of a store’s annual sales, and a lot of that money will flow in through your eCommerce website if you take a proactive approach and prepare it for the holiday season. By making sure that your iphone unlock website is ready to handle the influx of holiday shoppers you can ensure that you maximize your online profits as you close out the year.

Do you have some other tips to share when it comes to preparing your website for the holiday season? I’d love to hear your thoughts so please leave a comment below!