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What We’re Thankful For


The holiday rush is officially here and our schedules are about to amp up. All the shopping, cooking, decorating, and even some parties are sure to keep us busy for the next couple of months. With all the hustle and bustle of the season, it is important to take a step back and remember the true spirit of the holidays. We were able to catch up with some of our team here at HMG Creative and had them reflect on what they are thankful for, at work and at home.


Founder and Managing Partner

Thankful for…

At work? Amazing team, great clients and an unlimited supply of coffee and ping pong.

At home? Family and our 4 legged Goldendoodle.

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Chicken and dumplings

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot.

When do you start decorating for Christmas? Thanksgiving Day! It’s never too early to get into the Christmas spirit!


Creative Director

Thankful for…

At work? Flexible work schedule that allows a healthy work/life balance.

At home? My wife who stays home and watches our children. It’s a thankless, non-stop, exhausting battle that she does in addition to many other things.

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Macaroni surprise

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? Traveling and spending time with family

When do you start decorating for Christmas? Thanksgiving weekend


Marketing Coordinator

Thankful for…

At work? Coffee and people who make me laugh.

At home? My incredibly supportive and loving boyfriend, Austin, and my sweet little Maltipoo pup, Denver!

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? It’s a tie between stuffing and pumpkin pie.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? Napping

When do you start decorating for Christmas? The day after Thanksgiving!


Web Developer

Thankful for…

At work? Professionally, I am thankful for having plenty of work to do (as I really detest boredom), but also that I am challenged daily to push myself, and feel rewarded when everything finally falls into place.

At home? Personally, the big news in my household is: We got a dog! For this, we are all very thankful. He is a stately, older, yellow dog—so he has been named in honor of U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett.

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Routinely failing at a lower carb diet, the most magnificent way to fail in one dish is stuffing, which my mother-in-law calls dressing, often adding that only Yankees call it stuffing (we were born less than 100 miles apart). However, if we throw out the one dish part of that question, my favorite thing is combining the various flavors: tart cranberry sauce, savory turkey, and gravy, buttery potatoes—but no green bean casserole, because cream of mushroom soup is a gelatinous abomination.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? Falling asleep during football. #TheItis

When do you start decorating for Christmas? When the wife decides it’s either time to decorate or argue, naturally.


Visual Designer

Thankful for…

At work? Getting to learn new things every day, and working with a bunch of fun people.

At home? Awesome friends and family. Having a roof over my head is also pretty neat

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Green bean casserole with bacon.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? I usually celebrate Thanksgiving in San Antonio with extended family. We watch football and eat way too much

When do you start decorating for Christmas? I don’t usually decorate.


Chief Financial Officer

Thankful for…

At work? I’m thankful to work with an awesome team who loves what they do.

At home? I’m thankful for my family who mean so much to me and our health. 

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Sweet potatoes! 

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? Growing up, before we moved to Texas, my family always cooked all day and then dressed up and had a fancy Thanksgiving meal around 6:00 PM. Now, it’s a little more chill. Maybe some sweatpants, football, and food my kids will eat. 

When do you start decorating for Christmas? Typically on Black Friday. This year we started a lot earlier, but we’re putting the lights up on Black Friday! 


Marketing Intern

Thankful for…

At work? Gaining experience and knowledge from the experts.

At home? My growing family and all their accomplishments this past year.

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? My mom’s homemade sausage jalapeno stuffing and Pumpkin cookies.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? Running the Turkey Trot as a family and then taking a nap before and after the feast.

When do you start decorating for Christmas? 12 AM on November 1st

We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving spending time with loved ones. We’re signing off for the week—we hope you’re doing the same! Happy Thanksgiving!