The End to the Beginning—Election 2016

The 2016 election season has been a whirlwind of emotions. From Kanye pledging to run for president, to Donald Trump actually going through with his presidential campaign. It’s safe to say that these next four years are set to differ greatly from the recent past. Despite the controversies and the social media attacks between the presidential candidates, Americans have taken to the polls, following a substantial increase in the number of registered voters. Texas hit a record high of 15.1 million registered voters, which is two million more than registered Texas voters during the 2012 election. Social media and advertising campaigns can take some credit for the influx of registrations, but first let’s see how they did it. Continue…

Electoral Process Forces Mandatory Update

Just as Google is a formidable force on the web, the office of the President of the United States is powerful institution on the global stage. However, if you google “presidential inauguration” you will likely find a great deal of unrest, and may wander into a few heated debates. So what will the 58th Presidential Inauguration entail, how much will it cost, who will be there; and who won’t?


The Debate on Social Media

Last night was a big night for the United States as we get ready for new leadership in our country. The two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, answered (or what seemed like avoided) questions about their plans to improve America. For the hour and half that the debate was being broadcasted, social media sites like Twitter, were updating non-stop. Articles, fact check responses, quotes and personal opinions filled the Twitter feeds like wild fire. Continue…