Sports Score on Social Media

To some, sports is a religion. Strangers band together to celebrate wins, or to reck havoc when teams lose.

Before the introduction of social media, sports were only available live either on the TV or radio. Of course there were post game updates on networks like ESPN or articles posted on major internet news sites, but ultimately, there were no live updates a decade ago. Now, social media is playing a huge role in how we view sports. Continue…

The Debate on Social Media

Last night was a big night for the United States as we get ready for new leadership in our country. The two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, answered (or what seemed like avoided) questions about their plans to improve America. For the hour and half that the debate was being broadcasted, social media sites like Twitter, were updating non-stop. Articles, fact check responses, quotes and personal opinions filled the Twitter feeds like wild fire. Continue…

Gift Guide for the Digitally Inclined

Do you have a family member who eats, sleeps, and breathes gadgets? Maybe someone whose interests are so far toward the cutting edge, that you can’t keep up with their growing technology needs? If so, we’ve created this handy guide to help you narrow down your gift list. Here are a few recommendations of what we’d like to see under our trees, which may help you in shopping for the technophile on your list. Continue…

Can Technology Stop Climate Change?

Just a couple of weeks ago, over 170 countries signed the Paris Climate Agreement. The deal calls for each nation to cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to reduce global warming. As the world continues to heat up at an exponential rate, it is crucial that initiatives are taken immediately to put raising temperatures to a halt, and the Paris Climate Agreement was a huge step in the right direction for change.


The New Force of Politics

As the race to presidency continues to heat up, the presidential candidates have been strongly addressing the issues that are, of course, on the top of our minds: foreign policy, economics, immigration and health care, just to name a few. However, there is an elephant in the room that barely any presidential candidate has spent a sufficient amount of time discussing the importance of the topic. It is something that dominates every issue discussed in both the democratic and republican debates. It is the root of a spurring and efficient nation– it is the tech sector.


Infographic: The Incredible Growth of Web Usage

It’s no secret the web has grown – but just like it’s hard to see change in yourself, it’s hard to see it online until you really look at the big picture.  From 1984-2013, the web saw huge changes in terms of users, as well as socially and technologically speaking. Just to see how much it’s really changed, take a look at the infographic below hostgator coupon , thanks to From 1984 to 1998, the Internet had grown to 50 million users. Since then, it’s grown to 2.7 billion users (39% of the world’s population) and counting. The implications of this, as well as the rapid increase in mobile use, are overwhelming. And let’s not forget about the growth of social media – Facebook, since its launch in 2004, has since grown to over 1 billion users. These numbers should speak for themselves – take advantage of them, and make the most out of your online presence, because people do notice. Some experts even say that by 2020, everyone will be online. Prepare yourselves.
