Our Tips for Surviving SXSW 2015

SXSW is easily one of the most exciting weeks of the year in Austin. However, it can also be loud and confusing, making it very important to plan ahead. If you’re well prepared, you’ll have no problem catching all – or at least most – of the sets, shows, films, and speakers you want. It will also be easier to meet up with friends or colleagues if you know where you’ll be and when you’ll be there. To help out, here are our tips for surviving SXSW 2015. This blog is part two of our four-part SXSW blog series that will span throughout February, with one blog going up each week. If you missed it, part one covered the history of the festival.


My Year at HMG

Photo courtesy of Natalie Schulte

Photo courtesy of Natalie Schulte

It’s hard to believe it’s only been a year since I first walked in the doors at HMG, but in these twelve short months I can hardly believe the experience I’ve gained here. Right off the bat, I was told I wouldn’t be the typical coffee-fetching intern (been there, done that)—and I truly wasn’t. Despite joking around that if we ever got Franklin BBQ for lunch, I would be the one sent to wait in the never-ending line, I really felt like I was an integral part of the team; that I was more than just “the intern.” I was always encouraged to share my ideas and thoughts, something I feel is important in any working environment. I even got to develop and pitch several marketing campaigns, which has given me invaluable experience.


Happy Thanksgiving From HMG!

Ah, Thanksgiving—family, friends, football, food, more food – but with so much going on in our lives, it’s often easy to overlook these simple pleasures. As the holidays quickly approach us (where did the time go?) we feel it’s an appropriate time, if any, to acknowledge the importance of unplugging and taking a break from work every now and then.
