How to Maintain Strong Brand Personality in Your Email Designs

Maintaining a brand identity is no easy feat. The biggest brands have had years to strengthen and build up how they present themselves. These brands have the reputation to change whenever they need to go in a new direction. Branding impacts nearly every facet of how you do business, such as how your business looks, how it communicates, and how it markets. That’s why it’s integral to build a brand that customers can easily connect with, and also why you should maintain a strong brand personality throughout all of your online activities.  Continue…

How to Use Email Marketing to Build Brand Awareness

Essentially, brand awareness is the level of consciousness that people have with your brand. It’s a measure of how easily people recall your brand when thinking about a product or service.

If you want to successfully build brand awareness, then email marketing is the way to go. Why? Because email marketing allows you to reach people on a channel they use several times every single day.


Hyde Park Baptist Church—New Email Templates

Hyde Park Baptist Church, located deep in the heart of Austin, Texas, reached out to us with the need to create a stronger, more appealing way to communicate to its members.  With that in mind, we were able to assist HPBC by creating email templates that would allow them to send out customized weekly messages to a variety of groups.  The email templates provide a consistent and organized theme that allows for a variety of people to receive announcements and other information without the dread of reading, yet another, boring black and white email.

University Ministry Example

General Ministry Example

Do you want to improve your email strategy?  Just a simple change can bring great results.  Contact HMG Creative to get started.

Holiday Email Campaigns

Every year we get a chance to design some great holiday email campaigns for our clients.  Great design helps your email grab attention in any season, and the same goes for a festive holiday treatment of your usual look. A bit of visual inspiration may be just the thing that motivates someone visit your website.

Below are a few of the Christmas campaigns we’ve done over the years (click to enlarge).