Flashback to Our Work

After many years in business, we couldn’t have made it without the help of our clients. As a little thank you, we would like to share some of the clients with whom we’ve built lasting relationships. As trusted partners, we believe in helping our clients succeed in any and all goals they have. Applying our expertise in web design, commercial printing and email marketing to benefit our partners is what we do best. So, to the following companies, for their lasting and rewarding partnerships–Thank you! Continue…

Our 2016 Recap

2016 has been quite the year for HMG Creative. Like any business we’ve had our ups, like when Ben and Jerry’s visited our office, thanks to the expert tweeting of our intern Kate. We’ve also had a few downs, like when we ran out of coffee on a Monday! As we get ready to take on 2017, we are looking back at what we have done over the past year. Continue…

New Year, New Us!

No, we are not looking to drop a few pounds, or drink less coffee. Instead, we have different goals for 2017. As an agency, we like to see growth each year. That being said, we have been working on a new look for ourselves, and hope to reveal it to everyone soon. You could say that one big goal for the new year is to invest in ourselves as an agency, which will help us to better serve our amazing clientele. Continue…

#TeamTuesday – Maxx Wright

He may only be here for a short amount of time, but we still consider him part of the team! HMG Creative would like to introduce our new intern Maxx Wright.

Maxx is entering his senior year of high school at St. Stephen’s Episcopal School. Before leaving for college, hopefully at the University of Colorado Boulder, he came to HMG Creative to get a head start in his career path. Originally from Cuero, Texas, Maxx moved to Austin about six years ago and has loved it ever since. He loves having unlimited access to live music, great parks and trails for biking and hiking on nice days. Continue…

10 Business Apps You Need in Your Life

We do everything from our smartphones and tablets. New apps help us organize our lives, track our health and keep us connected to friends and loved ones. In any business, there are many aspects that need to be handled throughout the day, and many times it can seem overwhelming. To lower the stress of the average work day, here are a list of apps that could help you and your business: Continue…

If We Were Olympians…

As one of the most iconic and talked about sporting events spirals to a close, the gold winning team at HMG Creative imagined what it would be like to be their favorite Olympic athlete. Each athlete chosen by our team members reflects on the personalities that we have in the office. No person chose the same athlete and only two chose the same sport. As our favorites are announced, think of who you would want to be if you had a chance to be an Olympian. Continue…