Navigating Conversion Rate Optimization

We welcome another acronym with enormous potential–CRO. Conversion rate optimization can define the prosperity of a business, especially in e-commerce. Connect with us to learn more and begin your conversion rate optimization journey today! 


Brand Story: The Foundation

People are storytellers. For thousands of years, we have used the power of story to preserve history, pass down lessons, and convey ideas. There’s no better way to get your message to stick than to frame it as a tale that is being spun – and a brand is no different. As consumers, we want to buy into a story. Continue…

Marketing & Advertising: Can You Name the Difference?

Although advertising and marketing are often used interchangeably, the two terms represent different aspects of the business process. While marketing encompasses the entire process of selling a product or service to a certain audience, advertising focuses on a particular facet of this process.  Continue…

Why Apple’s New Ad Is Absolutely Genius

This week Apple released a new ad that is, quite frankly, as unlike Apple as can be. While Apple has for years been acclaimed for its eloquent, clean, inspiring, and rather calculated advertisements featuring its products, this week’s ad featured products in a much more realistic setting. Though the popularity of products from iPhones to AirPods is so prevalent that Apple no longer has to reiterate its slogan of “think different,” Apple has always been rooted to this famous catchphrase. Continue…

5 Tips to Increase Your Google SEO Ranking

When it comes to the digital marketing world, SEO is one of the best (and free!) ways to gain more traffic to your website. While paying for posts is great, more and more consumers are getting skeptical about posts that are flagged “sponsored.”For those who aren’t quite sure what the term SEO is all about, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. This basically translates to the organic way of getting your content to show up closer to the top of certain search engines like Google. Continue…

Corporate Culture: From Product to People

Culture; a word that has taken the corporate world by storm in the last decade. From how workplaces communicate, dress and think to the personalities they boast to their audiences, people are beginning to place labels on certain companies and their brands as a result of the people that represent them. Research shows that a company’s “culture”, is now one of the leading determining factors of candidate fit in hiring and recruitment practices.


How The Big Brands Leveraged Wimbledon and the World Cup

With Wimbledon and the World Cup being two of the world’s most famous sporting events, they are lucrative opportunities for marketers to get their brands in front of a global audience. From ad campaigns to competitions, limited edition collections to in-store activations, marketers of the big brands have been making effective use of their budgets to associate themselves with these events and engage with their audience, in hopes that they will raise brand awareness and more importantly, get a return on investment.


Marketing Strategies For Nonprofits: Creating Return For Donors On A Budget

Unlike for-profit corporations, nonprofit organizations have much smaller budgets for marketing and advertising than some may anticipate. Unfortunately, many people tend to view these expenses as counter to the reasons they originally gave to a certain cause. As companies are forced to become more transparent in the age of clear and precise communication as well as more personal producer-consumer relationships, people are wanting to see their money go directly towards the receivers of work done by organizations which they decide to give to. Nowadays, these donations are seen more as an investment than just a gift. Although it is understandable that donors give to see results, nonprofits struggle with a lack of ability to grow their reach because of their hesitancy to fund campaigns which have the potential to do so.


The Skippable Era: 5,4,3,2,1 Go…

As a student at UT’s Moody College of Communication, I am exposed to many amazing opportunities and professionals with vast experience in the industries of journalism, media and public relations just to name a few. This past week, I had the privilege of attending a lecture by Christopher Ferrel, the Director of Digital Strategy at The Richards Group for one of my courses, Technology, Marketing, and Advertising. After listening to his presentation, I was mesmerized by his concept of a new era that is bound to change the course of digital advertising. The Skippable Era, as he classifies it, is characterized by a feature we all love and embrace; the skip button. To better understand how marketing trends and consumer engagement have shaped digital practices of our current era, Chris poses three essential questions for advertising gurus to consider.


The #DeleteFacebook Movement: Why Social Is So Much More Than A Network

It seems as though every day, there is a new headline about fake news, information security, and data breaches, but could we ever have imagined one of our most widely used social sites to be in the center of it all? This past month, Facebook has encountered some of its own roadblocks with these popular issues. But to fully understand why #DeleteFacebook is now one of the most trending topics, we must first unpack the purpose and influence of the company itself.
