Per Stirling: Common Interests. Uncommon Results.

Per Stirling Capital Management is an S.E.C.-registered investment advisory firm specializing in holistic financial planning, investment portfolio management, and other comprehensive wealth management services that are as unique and varied as are its clients. However, the cool part about the company is that it’s not for everyone. Driven by the idea of “Common Interests. Uncommon Results,” the company recognizes that “As strange as it may sound, Per Stirling is not for everyone.” It is when clients hit a financial point of success or wealth that it becomes time to find the right partner to help preserve and conscientiously manage these financial affairs – and that is when Per Sterling comes to the rescue.


A New Website for CBIONE

CBIONE has been a market leading specialist in the circuit breaker industry for over 35 years. During this time, the company has developed a strong and reliable reputation in the electrical industry nationwide for our quality products, competitive prices and superior service. Providing a large inventory of new and reconditioned circuit breakers, CBIONE came to HMG with needs for a new website design, Google Analytics, and email marketing.


The Value of Writing in a Digital World

In today’s digital world, computers can do almost everything for us. From finding that perfect recipe to scheduling our appointments, we’ve become unbelievably dependent on computer technology. As a result, the value of being able to write often goes overlooked. Spellcheck, autocorrect and auto-format seem to take over the most basic and fundamental process of writing. What many people fail to realize is that writing is still a key principle of communication, and probably always will be.


Writing So People Will Read

Is your writing full of jargon and technical-ese? Most writers, myself included, have been guilty of boring readers to death with a hard-to-follow style, just for the sake of sounding intelligent. Unfortunately, in the lightening-paced realm of the blogosphere, readers have become less and less forgiving of such a mistake. But the good news is that you can grab reader attention and communicate your message in a memorable way by paying attention to the new rules of writing for an online audience.

Rule #1: Be a real person.

Share experiences, talk in first person, and let readers see not only your strengths but also your mistakes—especially if you learned something from them that’s worth sharing. Think through every post and determine your message and main points before you just dash off something for the sake of having new content.
