How to Bolster your Brand and Maximize your Digital Presence in the New All-Digital Era

History will define this season as the time when interacting and engaging digitally became just as successful as direct contact. As challenging as it is to put a pause on life and daily activities, we find ourselves more grateful than ever for the digital connectedness that allows business, communication, and responsibilities to continue remotely. Although not every business is able to make this seamless transition, each does have the opportunity to get creative with their digital presence and find new ways to connect with its customers in the digital space. With digital marketing as our area of expertise, the team at HMG Creative is eager to share the opportunities and tools available to help businesses thrive with their brand, web presence, and digital marketing efforts as the world around us continues to evolve.


Is Traditional Marketing Dead?

Spoiler Alert: No. But it’s changing.


It’s no secret that we are venturing ever-further into the digital realm. And if 2020 is any preview of what is to come, it doesn’t look like that progression is slowing down. As companies big and small continue to devote larger portions of their budgets to digital marketing, it might be tempting to assume that traditional marketing is going to be left in the dust.  Continue…

Vision & Mission Statements

Initially, we titled this article “Vision vs. Mission” to clarify the difference between an organization’s mission to accomplish something and its vision to make an impact. The final title, as you may have already noticed, lost the word “versus.” Strategically, we want to demonstrate that while mission and vision are two different thoughts, they are by no means competing. One has a more in-depth focus than the other, but the two work in tandem.


Reasons To Be Thankful For Digital

It is indisputable that the digital industry has made a huge impact on our daily lives. From connecting us with our peers to creating more job opportunities, the digital industry has revolutionized the way society functions. As Thanksgiving approaches it is important to reflect on the blessing in your life. At HMG Creative, one of the things we’re thankful for is digital marketing—here’s a list of reasons why.


Five Tips for Social Media Community Management

Over the past decade, social media has become the most vital communication platform for most businesses. Social media has become a platform in which brands interact with their consumers on an intimate level. Sprout Social conducted this study on how businesses engage with customers on social media. They found that 90 percent of consumers engage with brands on social media and that social media is the first place customers go if they have an issue—surpassing phone and email.

As customer service expectations become greater, it is imperative that brands take this direct communication with their consumers seriously. We’ve laid out a few steps you can follow to ensure your community management is on the right track:


The Importance of a Consistent Brand

When people think of a brand often the first image that comes to mind is the logo. Companies like Nike, Apple, and Starbucks can be identified if you only see the logo – the name is not even necessary. In today’s digital world, branding is way more than just a logo. A consistent identity must go very deep within company collateral. It needs to communicate not only the values of the company, but also the careful precision and attention to detail.


5 Speakers to Hear at SXSW 2015 Interactive

This year there will be over 600 sessions at SXSW Interactive. The majority of the sessions were picked via users on the SXSW PanelPicker, with more than 3,000 ideas entered. The result is a variety of influential speakers in categories such as Art, Science, and Inspiration, Branding and Marketing, Content and Distribution, Fashion, Gaming, and Sports – and that’s just a short list. While there are many speakers we would love to hear, we’ve narrowed down a list of 5.


The Value of Writing in a Digital World

In today’s digital world, computers can do almost everything for us. From finding that perfect recipe to scheduling our appointments, we’ve become unbelievably dependent on computer technology. As a result, the value of being able to write often goes overlooked. Spellcheck, autocorrect and auto-format seem to take over the most basic and fundamental process of writing. What many people fail to realize is that writing is still a key principle of communication, and probably always will be.
