Our Secrets to Great Email Marketing

On July 28th, 2016, Clutch released their picks for the Top Email Marketing Agencies and of the fifteen from around the world, HMG Creative was selected. We couldn’t be happier about being featured, and now we are here to share our secrets. Email marketing can be considered an art because of the designs, content and the ability to bring attention to the message. Though, more and more consumers are learning how to avoid marketing emails and businesses are suffering from it. Continue…

How to Make Your Office More Productive

Think about your dream office. Perhaps it’s the Google campus or the Nike headquarters. Not only are these two companies great brands and powerful names, but you can only imagine how cool the building and rooms are designed.

When it comes to the work environment, the look, feel and atmosphere can really affect the productivity of the company. Studies have shown (including our own) that employees would rather work in a creative space rather than an all white painted concrete room. A few things that will spice up the office are colors, shaped furniture, greenery and views. Continue…

10 Business Apps You Need in Your Life

We do everything from our smartphones and tablets. New apps help us organize our lives, track our health and keep us connected to friends and loved ones. In any business, there are many aspects that need to be handled throughout the day, and many times it can seem overwhelming. To lower the stress of the average work day, here are a list of apps that could help you and your business: Continue…

If We Were Olympians…

As one of the most iconic and talked about sporting events spirals to a close, the gold winning team at HMG Creative imagined what it would be like to be their favorite Olympic athlete. Each athlete chosen by our team members reflects on the personalities that we have in the office. No person chose the same athlete and only two chose the same sport. As our favorites are announced, think of who you would want to be if you had a chance to be an Olympian. Continue…

#TeamTuesday – Jeremy Holland

With his strong work ethic and drive, he taught himself how to code and web design. He may be the newest member of our team, but he is jumping right in.

Jeremy Holland is an Austinite that went to The University of Texas at Austin for government. After working at the Capital, Jeremy felt it was time for a change and began working at HMG Creative early last week. He has taken on the role of HTML email design and development. His hobbies include BBQ-ing, swimming and relaxing at the beach. Continue…

Why Hire HMG Creative?

When it comes to developing and designing a website, there are two options. Hiring a professional agency to handle the coding and upkeep of the website, or doing it yourself with programs already online. It’s great that sites like Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, etc. are around for those who need them but lack the funds for a web developer or time to learn to code. But unfortunately, the DIY websites aren’t the best choice for everyone. Yes, you will be paying more than $20 a month for your site, but if you were to hire a professional, you would have the freedom to create something that fits your company’s personality. Continue…