Web Trends of 2017

People grow and develop as years go on, and so does web development. Think about the first time you used a computer and signed onto the internet. Is it the dial up tone that still haunts you, or the fact that you could never talk on the phone and surf the web at the same time? Or was it the very limited websites you could visit. Each year there are new improvements and trends that make the World Wide Web great. Continue…

Web Design Terms for Dummies Vol. 2

Welcome to the second part of Web Design Terms for Dummies. In Volume 1, visual design and discovery terms were introduced, as well as a few more general terms. In this article, we will touch on five very common and important terms in a story form for better understanding. We will later introduce the final set of web design terms in an upcoming section called: Development, Testing and Launch.


#TeamTuesday – Ian Wilson

Our favorite Austinite believes aliens are out there somewhere, yet not truly living because they don’t have tacos in their lives.

Born and raised in Austin, Texas, Ian Wilson joined the HMG Creative team as a designer and developer. Though that’s what it says on his business card, he helps out with a little bit of everything in the office. Ian attended The University of Texas at Austin and studied Advertising. In his last few years, he was one of the lucky few to be accepted and finish Texas Creative, one of the hardest Advertising programs in the country. GO IAN! He has a great sense of humor, believes his spirit animal is a squirrel and is a great addition to any team. Continue…

Why Hire HMG Creative?

When it comes to developing and designing a website, there are two options. Hiring a professional agency to handle the coding and upkeep of the website, or doing it yourself with programs already online. It’s great that sites like Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, etc. are around for those who need them but lack the funds for a web developer or time to learn to code. But unfortunately, the DIY websites aren’t the best choice for everyone. Yes, you will be paying more than $20 a month for your site, but if you were to hire a professional, you would have the freedom to create something that fits your company’s personality. Continue…

When is it Time to Update Your Brand?

What is a brand?

Before discussing why it is important to update and adapt a brand’s image and message, it is important to understand what a brand is. According to Wikipedia, a brand is defined as “a set of marketing and communication methods that help to distinguish a company from competitors and create a lasting impression in the minds of customers.” For our purposes, this definition hits the nail on the head. Continue…

Web Design Terms for Dummies Vol. 1

When you think of web design terms or any computer based terms, words like HTML, coding, UI, UX, CSS, etc. probably pop into your head. Fear not, we have developed the perfect definitions to break down those scary terms into very simple words for the average Internet surfer. Whether you are looking for a web designer like HMG Creative (shameless plug) to create an awesome website for your company or you’re just a curious cat, we hope you find some solace after reading our web design series.


The Value of Professional Photography

Executing the perfect website is a very intricate process for web developers. There are many details that go into ensuring that every objective is met through the look and feel of the site. This is especially true for photography. While stock photography is much cheaper and still takes time to search through thousands of photos to find the perfect image to represent your company, professional photography generates a deeper impact on your audience. As experienced web developers, we always recommend hiring a professional photographer to capture the exact images you need in order to develop an effective user experience, if a budget exists. And here’s why.
