Marketing Fail: Three Big Business Web Design Disasters

The world of web design can seem pretty intimidating at times. After all, the success of your business rises and falls on whether your website successfully engages your site visitors and conveniences them to take the next step. We know you’re kickin’ it with awesome web page design, but just in case you need some inspiration, take a look at these big business web design disasters and take some notes on what NOT to do:


Plenty of “deal-of-the-day” websites require you to register before you can see the actual deals, but Zulily’s home page gives you next to no information about what the site does. Here are the biggest design problems:

  • You can find a bit of information about how the site works, but it’s buried at the bottom of the page under a banner that looks like advertising, making the viewer ignore everything below it.
  • Links to “How Zulily Works,” “Brands We Love,” and “FAQ” appear in tiny type that doesn’t stand out from surrounding content.
  • No secondary call to action if the visitor isn’t ready to register.

Bottom Line:  It’s too hard for non-registered users to learn about the site.

Carol House Furniture

Carol House makes visitors jump through multiple hoops in order to view their website—a surefire way to send customers scrambling for the back button. For starters:

  • Gray type on white background = hard to read.
  • After reaching the home page, you have to click an additional button to see any actual content.
  • The home page has a long list of obsolete requirements you must meet before you can see their content (high speed internet, Flash player, disable pop-up blocker). Really? Who has to remind people they need high speed internet these days?

After clicking the Enter button, a new page opens where all browser controls have been disabled, a cheesy Flash video plays, music automatically starts, and the talking heads at the top of the page point out interesting links we might want to click (wait, I thought we were here to look at furniture…).

We also see lots of wasted space on either side with no clear call to action anywhere on the page.

Bottom Line: After making your visitors enter an alternate universe in order to see your site, don’t handcuff them in a desperate attempt to make them stick around.

Pure Ecommerce

I’ll keep this one short and sweet (which is opposite of Pure Ecommerce’s site).

We have to read through lengthy blocks of copy just to find out what the company offers. Once we click on the call to action, we’re directed to more copy. Not exactly a one-click, ready-to-go experience as promised.

Bottom Line: Too much copy and weak call to actions.

So, what’s the point?

Big business web design disasters keep us all humble.  If they can experience huge marketing fails, so can we.  Keep testing, keep tweaking, and keep converting!  Would you consider your online web presence a “disaster”?   If so, we’d love to chat with you… after all we’re only a phone call away.

Is Your Website Guilty of These 8 Disastrous Design Mistakes?

Web design isn’t an exact science. There are broad principles to follow, but at the end of the day, you have to figure out what works for you and your audience. However, you should always remember that your customers have itchy back-button fingers, and some web design mistakes will make them bounce every time. Here’s a list of our top eight design mistakes:

  • Making Content Look Like Advertising
    Web users these days have developed “banner blindness.” Anything that looks like a banner ad or block ad will be ignored. Avoid the common web design mistake of putting essential information in a format that looks like advertising.
  • Using Non-Intuitive Navigation
    If you have to explain how to navigate your site, you’ve done it wrong. Navigation should make sense to someone who has never seen your site before. Group similar links under headings and make it easy for visitors to find their way back to a previous page and to the home page.
  • Automatic-Play Flash Videos
    No one wants to be held hostage while you play a 20-second introductory video before loading site content. Video is great, but make it optional by providing a play button for the user to click when he or she is ready.
  • Not Listing Product Pricing
    What’s the point of having an ecommerce website if you make the visitor call, register, or start to checkout before he sees actual prices? This includes shipping rates as well. Provide estimates before checkout to reduce sticker shock during the sale.
  • Unclear Call to Action
    Can visitors immediately see how to take action on your site? Your call to action should use descriptive, action-oriented language that clearly communicates what you want the visitor to do.
  • Long Blocks of Text
    Our attention span is short and even shorter online. No one has time to read through a long page of tiny text. Break copy up into smaller chunks using subheadings and bullets, and make the font bigger so content appears less intimidating.
  • No Search or Bad Search
    Placing the search box in a difficult-to-find place (like halfway down the sidebar), not being able to handle misspellings, and not including search capabilities at all are common web design mistakes. Bad search can leave users frustrated and ready to bail.
  • Links that Don’t Look Like Links
    Use color to designate clickable text, and change the color for links that have already been clicked. Don’t be too creative with this. Underlines, italics, bolding, and unusual colors may look cool, but users may not pick up on the fact that they can be clicked.

Do you happen to be guilty of any of these disastrous web design mistakes? If so, it’s time to start testing a new design that will make it easier for your customers to convert. Give us a call and we’d be happy to talk through this with you!

ParcelyPaid Launches!

HMG is thrilled to announce the launch of our newest client project,, which gave us the exciting opportunity to be a part of the growing crowdfunding craze, from the ground-up. ParcelyPaid is a startup that takes its own spin on crowdfunding and came to us almost a year ago for web development and design.

Parcely Paid, as the tagline “Real Friends Chip in” implies, is your personal platform to promote and raise cash to get the that you really want on your birthday. HMG Creative built out the membership-based site, enabled week-long campaigns leading up to a user’s birthday, integrated eConnect Email for email marketing and, of course, seamlessly set up PayPal for the ease of donating (and accepting) funds also offering tips for transferring structured settlement.

Make sure ugly sweaters, random gift cards and last season’s technology doesn’t happen to you. Move over Kickstarter, not everyone has an entrepreneurial venture, but we all have birthdays. Check out ParcelyPaid and the launch video here.

Website Screenshots

Here are some of the best plasma cutter reviews. Take a look.

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Raritet Antique Gallery: Building a Lasting eCommerce Business

One of Austin’s most prominent and exclusive antique dealers, Raritet Antique Gallery, offers its clients a unique collection of rare items from the most historic parts of Europe to Antique Sconces. Over the last decade, Raritet has solidified its presence in the Austin market by offering premier items in its first-class downtown gallery.


The 12 (Internet Marketing) Days Of Christmas!

This SEO company has found the best way to spread holiday cheer! See 10 marketing tips for all to hear!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from your crew at HMG Creative. To celebrate the joyous season and year’s end, we now present the 12 Days of Christmas in its entirety, a campaign that is sure to make you laugh, smile and think about marketing in a whole new light going into 2013. Did you miss the the fun festivities, the first time around? No problem! But be sure to Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter, so you aren’t left out in the cold again. (You don’t want to be on that naughty list, do you?)

Enjoy our gift of discounts, actionable marketing ideas, Twitter tips, viral videos and more exciting content to take your business into the new year in style!
Now —  Without further delay — may we present:  The 12 Days of Christmas!
On the First Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Business Cards Half Off…That’s Almost FREE!
On the Second Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Two Tutorials
On the Third Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Three Experts Blogging
On the Fourth Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Four Calling Clients
On the Fifth Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Five Golden Rules
On The Sixth Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Six Birds-a Tweeting
On The Seventh Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Seven Shows-a Streaming
On the Eighth Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Eight Fans a-Liking
On the Ninth day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Nine Clients Rocking
On the Tenth Day of Christmas, HMG game to Me:
Ten Blogs a-Buzzing
On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, HMG Gave to Me:
Eleven Subscribers Snoozing
On The Twelfth Day of Christmas, HMG gave to Me:
Twelve Websites Winning

On The Twelfth Day of Christmas, HMG gave to me: Twelve Websites Winning

Web design has changed exponentially since the advent of web 2.0 in the early 2000’s. What used to be static-only websites have now been replaced with dynamic ones that incorporate many design features including widgets, social plugins and much more. Here are 12 tips to keep in mind when building or rebuilding your website.

1.  Show value– give people a reason to visit your site and keep them there.

2.  What does your website do? Are you informative, are you selling something? Include a call of action and let it be seen on the site!

3.  Simplicity– Keep it simple while still getting your point across.

4.  Myspace is out! That means no blinking text or magic cursors!

5.  Popups– Do I really have to explain this?

6.  Keep the home page accessible. I’ve been to many sites where once I click a link on the navigation bar, I cannot get back to the home page- so frustrating!

7.  Follow in Apple’s shoes and drop Adobe Flash– it’s processor heavy and there’s no place to embed SEO.


9.  Speaking of words and content, check your grammar and spelling please!

10.  Use keywords and descriptive text that relates to your business. However, don’t over-embed keywords in your content- keep it natural.

11.  Be accessible, yes add a Contact page and put an email, phone number, something!

12.  Navigation is key! Keep a global navigation bar that allows accessibility to all of your pages.

I know the post reads “12 Tips” but I’m throwing in a BONUS, yay! 

13.  Social media integration- the key to the popularity and national/global success of your website and business.

Quick Fix Stock Charts Launches, Provides Financial Insights to Members

Quick Fix Stock ChartsHMG Creative is thrilled to announce the launch of Quick Fix Stock Charts, a financial site that educates members on the market about pay day loans and stocks by providing daily stock charts, complete with analysis and comparisons.


WebDev for SmithBros Maintenance

SmithBros Maintenance came to HMG Creative with only a splash page.  With their vision in mind, we were able to build out a full website that provided them with the functionality they were looking for.  The new site features their various services in an easy-to-navigate setting.  But what was most important to Smith Bros was the ability to provide their potential customers with the accessibility to easily request a quote.

About SmithBros Maintenance
Since 1970, SmithBros has been a company with a focus on quality workmanship, attention to detail and quality results.  They like to be known as the “home town” janitorial service that offers down to earth, old-fashioned labor for a competitive price.  Operated locally in San Diego and Southern Riverside counties, SmithBros provides services such as:

  • Commercial Cleaning
  • Floor Care
  • Window Cleaning
  • Floor/Mold
  • Power Washing

Check out their new website at  If you like what you see, give us a call at 888.744.0464 and we can help your website dreams come true!

Screenshots of the NEW website

City Values For Women Launches New Website

HMG Creative is excited to announce the launch of City Values For Women, a site which offers fantastic shopping options with built-in savings. The new website allows visitors to tour home improvement stores, restaurants, health and beauty providers and much more through custom videos and offers.

Working closely with the City Values For Women executive team on all elements of the project was very crucial, which is true for any client project here at HMG Creative.  Our team identified the following tactics in order to ensure a successful launch of the website:

  • Discover the goals, ideal target market and functionality the company desires to launch
  • Develop an in-depth framework for the site
  • Create software that would allow for browsing of numerous directories
  • Further brand image and ensure consistency of the brand by designing business cards and a marketing print piece

City Values For Women launched this week at

Screenshots of the new website

 Print Materials

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