15 Reasons To Use WordPress

WordPress, the most responsive web designers for your business, has been around since 2003 and is the most popular blogging software on the market. WordPress is the world’s most popular tool for creating and managing websites — any kind of website, from a simple blog to a full-featured business website. Here are our TOP 15 reasons why WordPress is so popular and why you should consider switching to a WordPress platform for your company’s website.

1. Less $$$ Spent on Maintenance

With WordPress, you will no longer need to call your web designer every time you want to make a change. With WordPress, you can make the edits yourself, whenever you want, and save the money you would’ve paid your designer for more important things by adding new pages on your own.

2. Your Site becomes 100% Customizable

It shouldn’t come as a surprise but it is wort highlighting that WordPress gives you 100% customization freedom. Do you want a big website? Small Website? Blog? Lot’s of images? Social media integration? All of those are up to you, and can be done with ease. Change your mind later on? Fear not, you can always make changes to the site layout/design whenever you want.

3. Generate A Conversation With Your Visitors

Because of things like comments, you are now able to actually talk back to people via your webiste. Sure, you can always have a “contact us” page on your traditional Web site, but blog comments allow for anonymous two-way discussion between you and your readers. And, every time someone makes a comment to one of your posts, the inclusion of their content full of keyword phrases helps you to build better search positioning. It’s like getting free SEO help from the general public!


Per Stirling: Common Interests. Uncommon Results.

Per Stirling Capital Management is an S.E.C.-registered investment advisory firm specializing in holistic financial planning, investment portfolio management, and other comprehensive wealth management services that are as unique and varied as are its clients. However, the cool part about the company is that it’s not for everyone. Driven by the idea of “Common Interests. Uncommon Results,” the company recognizes that “As strange as it may sound, Per Stirling is not for everyone.” It is when clients hit a financial point of success or wealth that it becomes time to find the right partner to help preserve and conscientiously manage these financial affairs – and that is when Per Sterling comes to the rescue.


A New Website for CBIONE

CBIONE has been a market leading specialist in the circuit breaker industry for over 35 years. During this time, the company has developed a strong and reliable reputation in the electrical industry nationwide for our quality products, competitive prices and superior service. Providing a large inventory of new and reconditioned circuit breakers, CBIONE came to HMG with needs for a new website design, Google Analytics, and email marketing.


Tango Health: Optimizing Health Benefits

With the healthcare landscape constantly shifting, expanding, and evolving, Tango Health helps you make sense of it all with its Health Benefits Optimization. The company gets employees the right plans, while stabilizing the costs of benefits and even reducing them. Tango customizes by analyzing data to determine the ideal mix of employees to your exiting benefit plan. It educates using online tools to help employees choose the best plan. This saves money for both the company and the employees.


Our Tips for Surviving SXSW 2015

SXSW is easily one of the most exciting weeks of the year in Austin. However, it can also be loud and confusing, making it very important to plan ahead. If you’re well prepared, you’ll have no problem catching all – or at least most – of the sets, shows, films, and speakers you want. It will also be easier to meet up with friends or colleagues if you know where you’ll be and when you’ll be there. To help out, here are our tips for surviving SXSW 2015. This blog is part two of our four-part SXSW blog series that will span throughout February, with one blog going up each week. If you missed it, part one covered the history of the festival.


Responsive vs. Adaptive Design: How They Differ and Why It’s Important

Primarily due to the ever-present nature of mobile tablets and smartphones, adaptive vs. responsive design has been a hot debate in the last few years. Because companies now need to build websites to work on smartphones, tablets, and standard laptops and desktops, understanding adaptive vs. responsible design is incredibly important.
