GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): What Does It Mean For My Website?

In the wake of the May 25th deadline for GDPR compliance, many brands were left wondering about what they should do to comply with this new European data protection regulation. With advice on the internet ranging from ‘do absolutely nothing’ to ‘pay a consulting company to audit your website and integrate GDPR-specific solutions’, it’s easy to understand why people are confused.


The Art of Dashboarding

Dashboarding embodies the realms of both art and science. With the ability to present data in a clear and aesthetically pleasing way, dashboards bridge the gap between form and function. It is essentially a tool that aggregates all vital resources needed to make informed decisions and take action. Having previously focused on the potent dashboard of google analytics, creating your own custom dashboard is a powerful way to display useful data, and more.


Understanding the Basics of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a potent tool for leveraging data to gain insight into your current audience, as well as develop a deeper understanding of how to reach your target audience. Top marketing professionals analyze data obtained through Google Analytics to identify how, and from where, website visitors are arriving (we’ll dig into this in a little bit). If you aren’t already utilizing this incredibly powerful service, here’s an overview on how you can make smarter, data-driven decisions that better your chances for more conversions and higher return on investment (ROI). Oh, and it’s free.


Identifying Your Target Market

Identifying your target market isn’t easy, and it takes time. Once you’ve identified your target market, you need to get in front of them, grab their attention and give them a relatable reason for why they should choose your product or service. This is where it gets tricky–it is up to you to also give your customer something in return for their attention. In other words, you had better know your audience.
