Top Holiday Events in Austin 2018

It’s that time of year – the most wonderful time of year, to be exact! The holidays are among us and with them a whole host of new activities to enjoy in Austin. Grab your coat, some hot chocolate, and the fam, and head out for some holiday cheer at one of these can’t-miss Austin events. It’s the perfect chance to enjoy Austin’s weirdness in all of its wintry magic.


Get to Know John, HMG’s New Senior Brand & Marketing Strategist

HMG is excited to see our team grow as we welcome the newest addition to our fam, the talented John Paulsen, as our Senior Brand & Marketing Strategist. With ample experience as an entrepreneur himself, John is eager to learn, build great friendships, and find meaning in everything that he does this year. If you’re anything like us, you can’t wait to get to know John! In order to get the full scoop on our newest member, we’ve asked him some fun questions following a quick background:


Corporate Culture: From Product to People

Culture; a word that has taken the corporate world by storm in the last decade. From how workplaces communicate, dress and think to the personalities they boast to their audiences, people are beginning to place labels on certain companies and their brands as a result of the people that represent them. Research shows that a company’s “culture”, is now one of the leading determining factors of candidate fit in hiring and recruitment practices.


Why It’s Worth Investing in a Custom Website

In today’s digital world, your website is one of the most important marketing tools for your business – every move you make usually refers back to it in one way or another. With more and more DIY template-based websites being launched every day, many business owners are faced with the question of whether or not they should invest in a custom website designed and developed by professionals.


The Importance of Ongoing Web Maintenance

When a website is launched, many like to think it’s a finished product and the work is complete. However, the reality of the situation is that websites are like houses and cars – they require ongoing maintenance to keep them fully functioning and up to date.


Q&A with James Trumbly, HMG’s Founder & Managing Partner

Here at HMG, we’ve found that it’s important to evolve over time in order to achieve longevity. Trends change so rapidly, and so we’ve always emphasized the importance of staying relevant.

Whether it be about our personal or professional lives, we are constantly learning new things from each other by asking for advice and information. After all, ‘everybody knows something you don’t’.


7 Inspiring Podcasts For Your Commute To Work

Using your commute time to be productive can be difficult when public transport isn’t an option. Whilst driving, you can’t read, write or exercise, but you can listen to audio content and still keep your eyes on the road. Fortunately, there has been a surge in quality podcasts throughout the past few years, so now you can gain knowledge while multitasking, and become an expert on a topic without having to find that extra time in your day.


Turn Strangers Into Advocates With Inbound Marketing

It’s no secret that Inbound Marketing drives leads for business, but in order for this to happen, marketers must first understand the inbound methodology. So whether you’re completely new to inbound marketing or you’re just looking for some inspiration for your existing strategy, you’ve come to the right place.


How The Big Brands Leveraged Wimbledon and the World Cup

With Wimbledon and the World Cup being two of the world’s most famous sporting events, they are lucrative opportunities for marketers to get their brands in front of a global audience. From ad campaigns to competitions, limited edition collections to in-store activations, marketers of the big brands have been making effective use of their budgets to associate themselves with these events and engage with their audience, in hopes that they will raise brand awareness and more importantly, get a return on investment.


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): What Does It Mean For My Website?

In the wake of the May 25th deadline for GDPR compliance, many brands were left wondering about what they should do to comply with this new European data protection regulation. With advice on the internet ranging from ‘do absolutely nothing’ to ‘pay a consulting company to audit your website and integrate GDPR-specific solutions’, it’s easy to understand why people are confused.
