HMG Creative Launches Websites for Disaster Recovery Organizations

HMG Creative is proud to announce the launch of two newly designed websites for organizations focused on disaster recovery. Continue…

HMG Creative Receives W3 Award for Capital Factory Website Redesign

HMG Creative is honored to be a two-time recipient of a W3 Silver Award for exceptional web design. Following a 2016 award in web design and development for nonprofit Raise Your Hand Texas, HMG has secured another honor as a result of this year’s work for local community hub, Capital Factory.


Top Holiday Events in Austin 2018

It’s that time of year – the most wonderful time of year, to be exact! The holidays are among us and with them a whole host of new activities to enjoy in Austin. Grab your coat, some hot chocolate, and the fam, and head out for some holiday cheer at one of these can’t-miss Austin events. It’s the perfect chance to enjoy Austin’s weirdness in all of its wintry magic.


7 Tips for Marketing to Millennials

Marketing to Millennials all starts with understanding them as a consumer demographic. Millennials, also known as generation Y, consist of those who were born between the early 1980’s and early 2000’s. They are heavily influenced by digital technology, the information revolution, globalization and social media.


Reasons To Be Thankful For Digital

It is indisputable that the digital industry has made a huge impact on our daily lives. From connecting us with our peers to creating more job opportunities, the digital industry has revolutionized the way society functions. As Thanksgiving approaches it is important to reflect on the blessing in your life. At HMG Creative, one of the things we’re thankful for is digital marketing—here’s a list of reasons why.


What We’re Thankful For

The holiday rush is officially here and our schedules are about to amp up. All the shopping, cooking, decorating, and even some parties are sure to keep us busy for the next couple of months. With all the hustle and bustle of the season, it is important to take a step back and remember the true spirit of the holidays. We were able to catch up with some of our team here at HMG Creative and had them reflect on what they are thankful for, at work and at home.


Five Tips for Social Media Community Management

Over the past decade, social media has become the most vital communication platform for most businesses. Social media has become a platform in which brands interact with their consumers on an intimate level. Sprout Social conducted this study on how businesses engage with customers on social media. They found that 90 percent of consumers engage with brands on social media and that social media is the first place customers go if they have an issue—surpassing phone and email.

As customer service expectations become greater, it is imperative that brands take this direct communication with their consumers seriously. We’ve laid out a few steps you can follow to ensure your community management is on the right track:


OneStar Foundation: How We’re Rebuilding Texas

At HMG Creative, we are committed to giving back to the community and finding ways to help our fellow Texans. Our five-year partnership with OneStar Foundation has given us the opportunity to work with an organization that embodies those values, and we are proud to be a part of their mission to strengthen communities within Texas. In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, now more than ever, our state is in need of unity. OneStar Foundation, Rebuild Texas Fund, and VolunteerTX are working together to rally the people of Texas to rebuild all that was lost.
