How you can help those affected by Hurricane Harvey

Over the past week, Rockport, Port Aransas, Houston, and many other cities have experienced a great amount of disaster due to Hurricane Harvey hitting the Texas coast. Since, millions of people across the country have reached out with open arms willing to help. I’ve noticed many organizations looking for donations and many people looking to donate various items. It is truly incredible how this country comes together in time of tragedy and in time of need. Here is a list of where you can donate, businesses you can support that are donating proceeds, how you can help with animal rescue, and other ways you can support victims of Hurricane Harvey. 


Save on print and design with our September specials!

Print marketing becomes more relevant as we enter the busy fall and winter seasons, so HMG is offering major savings on high-quality design work and commercial printing throughout the month of September. HMG Creative is a full-service marketing agency and offers a wide range of design and print services.

For most businesses, print is still an important aspect of their overall marketing strategy and can be the very initiative that positions them to meet their business objectives or goals for an event. With different deals each day, be on the lookout for specific savings that will make top-notch design and commercial printing more accessible for you.

Each offer is active for one week, giving you time to tailor your sales plan and maximize your profits. These deals include a large range of options including flags, banners, booklets, brochures, t-shirts, posters, buttons, notepads, magnets, and much more. Check out the savings calendar below to see how you can utilize our design services paired with our limited-time commercial printing specials for the month of September. Get pricing details at [email protected].

OneStar Foundation: How We’re Rebuilding Texas

At HMG Creative, we are committed to giving back to the community and finding ways to help our fellow Texans. Our five-year partnership with OneStar Foundation has given us the opportunity to work with an organization that embodies those values, and we are proud to be a part of their mission to strengthen communities within Texas. In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, now more than ever, our state is in need of unity. OneStar Foundation, Rebuild Texas Fund, and VolunteerTX are working together to rally the people of Texas to rebuild all that was lost.


How To Stay Organized In A Busy Environment

Let’s be honest, life is hectic. Between work, home, kids (if you have them) and trying to have a social life, everything can blend together and it can become hard to stay organized. While work-life balance is important, work is a large contributor to our attitude, happiness and overall outlook on life. If you are one that wears many hats at work, here are five ways to relieve the stress of having what seems like one million things to do. Disclaimer: random tedious and sometimes unpleasant things are inevitably going to pop up, but turning these tips into habits will make it more bearable.


Are Business Cards Becoming Obsolete?

With options like LinkedIn, Facebook, and the ability share contact info between mobile devices, we asked ourselves: Are business cards still relevant in presenting yourself professionally? To find answers, we chose to explore the two main positions one might take.


How an Old Business Can Attract New Clients

Can an old dog learn new tricks? The answer is yes, and with all due respect, your business may be an old dog. Just because your business has stood the test of time and remained strong doesn’t mean there is not room for improvement. The business world does not stand still, and in order to keep up with its constant need to move and change, your business needs to adapt to it. Among other elements of business, methods for attracting clients seem to shift rapidly in line with cultural and market forces.


How Influencers Have Impacted Marketing

Influencer marketing seems to be taking the lead as this year’s most “influential” marketing approach. Have you ever noticed someone you follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat mention different products from time to time? I hate to break it to you, but that influencer you follow was more than likely paid to mention that product on their personal feed. This approach gives companies access to thousands, if not millions, of people they would not have otherwise been able to reach.


Easter in Austin

If there is one day that embodies all things Spring, it’s Easter. Floral prints, outdoor activities, and an emphasis on brunch make this holiday the epitome the season. We already know Austin thrives in brunch, and Austinites consistently take advantage of the copious sunshine by exploring the many fun things to do outside. In other words, this holiday has Austin’s name all over it. There are many different ways to tackle Easter, and Austin offers a myriad of ways to spend the day.


Client Disrupts Entire Spa Industry

Technology has disrupted many industries in its rapid evolution over the past 50 years. Keeping up to speed with tech trends, much less staying ahead of the game, can be a real challenge. As a result of the demanding digital age we now live in, the vast majority of industries have integrated technology into their systems. With this in mind, the team at The Spa Mart knew to approach their new spa distribution venture with a strong emphasis on technology.  


It’s a Busy Weekend in Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas is a hub for creatives, hippies, artists, and musicians. Being the live music capital of the world, the city is booming just about every night of the week. Zilker Park, along with beautiful Texas weather, offers opportunity for festivals and other large events downtown. It’s already been a busy week, and Austin is going to be buzzing this weekend, so we thought we’d catch you up on what’s going on in case you don’t have any plans!
