HMG Named In The Top 5 Creative Agencies Of ATX On Clutch

Another year of work under our belt and another Clutch award at our feet. HMG is proud to announce that we have been named one of Austin’s top 5 creative agencies for the fourth year in a row! We are honored to stand among some of the leading agencies in such a competitive field right here in the lone star state.


Oculus Go: Our First Jump Into Virtual Reality

You jump into another dimension where it is possible to be another person, from another place, with a different personality, voice, opinion and being; where you are able to reach someone else from across the world in a simple press of a button; where nothing around you is what you could really see. Right next to you, two people speak to one another in a conjoined space and time. Although the two interactions are both happening in the real world, one is facilitated by technology and the other is not. Virtual reality, the new trend sweeping the scene, seems to blur these lines by merging the physical world and the digital world.


Corporate Culture: From Product to People

Culture; a word that has taken the corporate world by storm in the last decade. From how workplaces communicate, dress and think to the personalities they boast to their audiences, people are beginning to place labels on certain companies and their brands as a result of the people that represent them. Research shows that a company’s “culture”, is now one of the leading determining factors of candidate fit in hiring and recruitment practices.


The Skippable Era: 5,4,3,2,1 Go…

As a student at UT’s Moody College of Communication, I am exposed to many amazing opportunities and professionals with vast experience in the industries of journalism, media and public relations just to name a few. This past week, I had the privilege of attending a lecture by Christopher Ferrel, the Director of Digital Strategy at The Richards Group for one of my courses, Technology, Marketing, and Advertising. After listening to his presentation, I was mesmerized by his concept of a new era that is bound to change the course of digital advertising. The Skippable Era, as he classifies it, is characterized by a feature we all love and embrace; the skip button. To better understand how marketing trends and consumer engagement have shaped digital practices of our current era, Chris poses three essential questions for advertising gurus to consider.


International Women’s Day: 5 Inspiring Female-Founded Brands

Today is #InternationalWomensDay, a day dedicated to celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. In honor of this, we have compiled a list of inspiring, female-built brands that are changing the game. We recommend having Destiny’s Child or Rihanna playing in the background as you read.


Home is Where Amazon’s Heart Is: Is the Lone Star State the One?

Amazon. The company making big headlines last August when it officially acquired Whole Foods and made many customers question, what isn’t influenced by this all-encompassing tech and commerce business? Ranging from the invention of the Echo and Alexa to selling groceries in a cashier-less brick and mortar store coined Amazon Go, the future of our everyday experiences may sit in the hands of this company. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington with over 40,000 employees, Amazon is the largest employer in the city providing its economy with immeasurable value and its environment with multiple treasured amenities. So, what’s the next step for this booming business? Growth has brought CEO Jeff Bezos and the team to search for a second headquarters location amongst some of the most alluring spots in the US.


SXSW 2018 Recap: What We Couldn’t Have Expected

As we look back on SXSW 2018, it is hard to ignore some of the most innovative and unique happenings brought to our backyard this March. Activations, celebrities and creators alike flocked to Austin for a week full of events surrounding the industries of technology, music, film, media, marketing and advertising, journalism and much more. Our very own Founder and Managing Partner, James Trumbly, was lucky enough to attend many of these sessions and could not help but gush about the amazing times he had this year. Can you blame him? Below are some of HMG’s favorite picks for SXSW’s most interesting and even impromptu events.


The #DeleteFacebook Movement: Why Social Is So Much More Than A Network

It seems as though every day, there is a new headline about fake news, information security, and data breaches, but could we ever have imagined one of our most widely used social sites to be in the center of it all? This past month, Facebook has encountered some of its own roadblocks with these popular issues. But to fully understand why #DeleteFacebook is now one of the most trending topics, we must first unpack the purpose and influence of the company itself.


Taking A Stand As A Brand: The Corporate Role In The Social World

Feeling like the corporate world is becoming the political world? Every action we take and every move we make may be judged as a reflection of our beliefs and values. Day to day, we are contemplating the balance between our desire for better practices and policies for the good of society and our habits of mass consumerism. Is there a way to achieve a complementary system where companies serve as soapboxes for social change and buyers are not forced into a structure of commerce based on ethics?
