Brand Refresh vs. Rebrand: What, Why & How

When it comes to a company’s success, there’s no doubting the importance of having a strong brand image. However, creating a brand that is completely timeless is nearly impossible. With the rise of technological advancements and the increased utilization of social media in the business world, maintaining brand relevancy is more important than ever. Continue…

5 Tips to Increase Your Google SEO Ranking

When it comes to the digital marketing world, SEO is one of the best (and free!) ways to gain more traffic to your website. While paying for posts is great, more and more consumers are getting skeptical about posts that are flagged “sponsored.”For those who aren’t quite sure what the term SEO is all about, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. This basically translates to the organic way of getting your content to show up closer to the top of certain search engines like Google. Continue…

Google Chrome is Calling Out Websites With Unencrypted Connections

In 2016, Google announced plans for their Chrome browser that would push for a safer internet – they promised to mark all websites with unencrypted connections as “not secure”. This would make it easier for people to know if their personal information is safe as it travels across the web. Fast forward three years and Google have delivered on their promise – Chrome 68 has arrived and it’s naming and shaming all websites with unencrypted connections.


6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Run Adwords PPC Campaigns

What is Google Adwords PPC?
For those who are unfamiliar with this type of online advertising, Adwords is a platform that allows you to show ads above Google search engine results. You choose a set of keywords and Google will show your ad to people who searched those words. The beauty of this particular platform is that you only pay when someone actually clicks on it (Pay-Per-Click).


Is it Time To Update Your Brand Logo?

There is no denying the importance of a brand logo, just ask anyone who ever bought a car, a pair of sneakers or even a box of cereal. It’s one of the first things a customer will notice about your brand, and it’s something they’ll continue to see as they build a relationship with you. A great logo will distinguish your business from its competitors and will help your customer form an emotional attachment to your product or service.


Apple News: Adapt Your Marketing Strategy to the Latest Updates

Apple has had an exciting year with new Macbooks, iPhones, Apple watches, and plenty of new updates to keep their consumers on their toes. Not only has Apple been coming out with new products, they have also been updating their software in order to enhance user experience. Specifically, the updates to the new App store and Safari browser are substantial enough that they are likely to greatly impact your business’ marketing strategy. Here’s what you need to know about Apple’s latest software update that could change the way you market to your consumers:


Augmented Reality—The Next Big Thing

With the introduction of the new iPhone X, augmented reality has created a significant buzz in the digital world, even being named “the next big thing” in the industry. Researchers and engineers are now pulling graphics off the screen and integrating them into real-world environments. For example, Pokemon Go was one of the first successful applications of AR and has spearheaded the development of many more games and apps utilizing this kind of technology. As technology continues to progress, augmented reality will become prominent in the digital industry.


Understanding the Basics of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a potent tool for leveraging data to gain insight into your current audience, as well as develop a deeper understanding of how to reach your target audience. Top marketing professionals analyze data obtained through Google Analytics to identify how, and from where, website visitors are arriving (we’ll dig into this in a little bit). If you aren’t already utilizing this incredibly powerful service, here’s an overview on how you can make smarter, data-driven decisions that better your chances for more conversions and higher return on investment (ROI). Oh, and it’s free.


The Art of Dashboarding

Dashboarding embodies the realms of both art and science. With the ability to present data in a clear and aesthetically pleasing way, dashboards bridge the gap between form and function. It is essentially a tool that aggregates all vital resources needed to make informed decisions and take action. Having previously focused on the potent dashboard of google analytics, creating your own custom dashboard is a powerful way to display useful data, and more.


6 Ways to Keep up With Daily Trends

The word “trend” is defined as: “a general direction in which something is developing or changing.” So given that trends are inherently dynamic, the challenge to stay current can be daunting. Industries within the digital sphere require constant adaptation to trends, and identifying them (for which there are many different methods) is always the first step. Keeping up with daily trends is an essential element for creating content that is relevant to your consumers. Diligence here will also better equip you to avoid costly mistakes, through a greater understanding and awareness of social issues and controversy.
