Your Roadmap to Effective Digital Marketing

What Makes an Effective Marketing Strategy?

An effective digital marketing strategy doesn’t just happen. It is the result of audience research, setting the right goals, and crafting the strongest messages.

Find out how to build a powerful marketing strategy of your own below!


Why an External Marketing Team is the Right Move for Your Business

The importance of marketing for any business is no secret. The real issue can be deciding on whether to hire an external marketing team or to keep your efforts in-house. After all, your marketing strategy determines the overall success of your business, and you want to make the right choice. Ultimately, it’s important for business owners to do the research before deciding, so we broke it down for you!


The Benefits of Having a Marketing Strategy

Having a clear and concise marketing strategy is essential to any business. A marketing strategy is the roadmap to overall success. Success can be measured in a multitude of ways, but often it means to reach a targeted audience. Whether you’re looking to gain new or returning customers or improve your online engagement, having a roadmap will ensure that you are adequately growing and evaluating your business and reaching your goals.


Six Website Upgrades to Improve your Conversion Rates

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is something that businesses of all sizes need to start taking more seriously. As your digital marketing and SEO efforts become more sophisticated you will attract more visitors to your site – but there’s no use getting lots of potential customers onto a page if they aren’t going to result into a sale. Here are six website upgrades you can use to improve your conversion rates.


Make It or Break It: Company Culture

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – Peter Drucker

There is some debate whether Drucker actually said this but since his passing, we’ll never know. Either way, it’s a safe assumption that he believed it.

The Importance of Company Culture

If culture is so important, do you think it’s disingenuous to strategize it? After all, transforming a company’s culture can be one of the toughest undertakings an organization can assume. I’ve seen plenty of organizations that have tried basically everything with little success.


HMG Favorites: Our Top Ted Talks

If you’re anything like us, you see Ted talks as a black vortex of motivational lessons that are powerful enough to give you a new perspective on life every single day. Just when you think you know it all, a simple new Ted Talk can make you rethink your whole thought process.  Continue…

Conquering an Email Marketing Campaign

Email Marketing

It is estimated that by 2022, the number of email users will grow to 4.3 billion people – that’s half of the world population. *Cough, cough* that’s a lot of potential customers. If you aren’t using email marketing to reach your customers, then you are missing out on a multitude of benefits for your business.


How Simon Sinek’s “Why” Changed Business as We Know It

What is the true measure of business success? For years, successful companies have been defined by wide profit margins and exponential growth. In this day and age, however, businesses are shifting their definition of success beyond sales and revenue to also include further-reaching aspirations like purpose and social impact. Continue…

How to Attract the Right Customers – And Keep Them Around

Stop wasting time on prospects that don’t want what you offer. It’s time to say goodbye to ad blasting the masses and adopt a more precise approach to gain the right customers.

It’s called inbound marketing, and it starts with identifying strangers – the ones that want your products/services.
