Are Business Cards Becoming Obsolete?

With options like LinkedIn, Facebook, and the ability share contact info between mobile devices, we asked ourselves: Are business cards still relevant in presenting yourself professionally? To find answers, we chose to explore the two main positions one might take.


How Influencers Have Impacted Marketing

Influencer marketing seems to be taking the lead as this year’s most “influential” marketing approach. Have you ever noticed someone you follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat mention different products from time to time? I hate to break it to you, but that influencer you follow was more than likely paid to mention that product on their personal feed. This approach gives companies access to thousands, if not millions, of people they would not have otherwise been able to reach.


Congrats to our Clients

Two of our very own clients recently closed multi-million dollar deals, and we could not be more honored to have had a hand in their success! In helping these companies perfect their web presence, we have grown fond of our clients and their work, and are thus gleaming like proud parents at their success. We want to extend our most sincere congratulations to AcadmeicWorks and RetailMeNot on their new acquisitions!


Client Disrupts Entire Spa Industry

Technology has disrupted many industries in its rapid evolution over the past 50 years. Keeping up to speed with tech trends, much less staying ahead of the game, can be a real challenge. As a result of the demanding digital age we now live in, the vast majority of industries have integrated technology into their systems. With this in mind, the team at The Spa Mart knew to approach their new spa distribution venture with a strong emphasis on technology.  


Understanding the Basics of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a potent tool for leveraging data to gain insight into your current audience, as well as develop a deeper understanding of how to reach your target audience. Top marketing professionals analyze data obtained through Google Analytics to identify how, and from where, website visitors are arriving (we’ll dig into this in a little bit). If you aren’t already utilizing this incredibly powerful service, here’s an overview on how you can make smarter, data-driven decisions that better your chances for more conversions and higher return on investment (ROI). Oh, and it’s free.


How We Work With Clients

Finding the right agency can be a difficult and stressful process, usually due to several factors simultaneously in motion. You may need help developing a branding strategy before it’s time to begin the web project, or you may need to coordinate ongoing marketing efforts, such as PPC or retargeting, within the scope of a much larger project that is already underway. It can also be tough to choose an agency that fully understands and harmonize your story, brand and culture consistently through every single project. However, the right fit is usually self-evident, meaning that you’ll know when you’ve found the right one.


Rebranding—Sharing Our Experience

Scaling a business can happen intentionally, or otherwise, unintentionally. Either way, you’re going to have to manage pretty big changes. For us, this means expanding our services, refreshing our entire brand, revamping our website, moving into a bigger office and welcoming new members to our team. Needless to say, we’ve been busy! Throughout our growth and rebranding experience, we’ve really taken a step back to evaluate our core values and focus on why we do what we do. At the end of the day, what we find to be most rewarding is building relationships and sharing the joy of flourishing in doing what we love. Our team finds great value in truly getting to know our clients’ stories on a personal level and authentically producing premium deliverables so that their businesses can succeed.


You Won’t Believe What’s Disrupting the Nootropic Industry

By now, you’ve likely encountered the trend toward the use of nootropics, or smart drugs, in Silicon Valley. If you haven’t, Nootropics are substances that improve cognitive function, and have become exceedingly popular with developers and executives, specifically as a means for tweaking their own cerebral chemistry. Memory, problem solving, focus, and creativity—are only a few of the key functions enhanced by these substances. Continue…

SXSW 2017: Key Takeaways on Digital Marketing

The world of marketing is ever-evolving, and though there is no universal marketing strategy that will “just work” for every type of company, some marketing professionals make it seem like they possess the secret formula. Now that digital marketing has taken over, there are many new aspects of marketing that we must take into consideration when creating our marketing strategies. I went to multiple masterclasses on digital marketing that were held during weekend one of SXSW, and I’m here to share my key takeaways on where to focus your efforts when creating your digital marketing strategy. There are also several trustworthy websites that share news of digital marketing trends and helps you to make an informed decision.


Identifying Your Target Market

Identifying your target market isn’t easy, and it takes time. Once you’ve identified your target market, you need to get in front of them, grab their attention and give them a relatable reason for why they should choose your product or service. This is where it gets tricky–it is up to you to also give your customer something in return for their attention. In other words, you had better know your audience.
