F8: A Look Into The Future of Facebook

F8 is Facebook’s annual conference for developers and entrepreneurs that build around and for the site. This year the 2-day event took place on May 1 & 2 in San Jose, California with over 50 sessions and interactive demonstrations for attendees to learn about what’s coming up for Facebook in the future.  Day 1 opened with a keynote speech from none other than the creator and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Naturally, he focused most largely on the company’s newest privacy feature, “clear history”, which will allow users to “clear your browsing history on Facebook — what you’ve clicked on, websites you’ve visited, and so on.” Although he did caution that this may degrade the Facebook experience for those that choose to wipe their data, the site will have to relearn their preferences and become familiar with each profile once this feature has been used.


Mother’s Day in Austin: What To Do and Where To Go

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and we’re here to show you the most fun and entertaining events Austin has to offer! Whether you’re looking for a relaxing experience to pamper mom with or have decided to give her an opportunity to let loose this weekend, HMG has the line up for you. Pop open the prosecco and enjoy!


Apps On The Rise: Keeping Up in The 21st Century

With the rise of the iPhone, our society has quickly shifted in many respects. The ways we interact, the ways we find information, the ways we work and the ways we occupy our time have all been impacted by not only the advancement of mobile technology but the introduction of apps into our everyday routines. Now entire businesses revolve around the model of customer interaction via phone applications. Mobile traffic has given the opportunity for hundreds of thousands of companies to reach their audiences with more ease and efficiency, making transactions, and communication in general much more streamlined. By 2020, the predicted number of apps to exist will be 5 million (Perez, 2017), and the possibilities don’t stop there.


5G: What to Expect and How It Will Change the Digital Sphere

So you’ve heard about it and have seen the hype about its revolutionary developments for the technology sphere, but do you actually know what 5G is? If you don’t, you’re not alone. Short for fifth-generation wireless systems, 5G is the latest iteration of cellular technology that your devices will run its system programs off of. These developments allow for network splicing, which enables multiple channels to run on a singular network. As a result, many benefits will be brought to your use of all those devices our lives revolve around.


Cyber Monday—What You Need To Know

Hate waiting in lines during Black Friday? Good thing it’s 2017 and Cyber Monday is more popular than ever, with fewer shoppers relying on Black Friday. This holiday will be the first year holiday shoppers do the majority of their spending online. According to a recent study by Deloitte, eCommerce sales could peak at $114 billion this holiday season. For deal hunters, this Cyber Monday will be a critical time to find and take advantage of the best deals of the year. As the holiday season approaches, here are some things you should know to have a successful Cyber Monday.


Reasons To Be Thankful For Digital

It is indisputable that the digital industry has made a huge impact on our daily lives. From connecting us with our peers to creating more job opportunities, the digital industry has revolutionized the way society functions. As Thanksgiving approaches it is important to reflect on the blessing in your life. At HMG Creative, one of the things we’re thankful for is digital marketing—here’s a list of reasons why.


Holiday Marketing Checklist

As we approach the holiday season, it is important we understand the power of the holidays on our businesses sales. This year alone the National Retail Federation expects sales in November and December to generate $678.75 billion. This is the season for shopping and attracting new customers—don’t miss out on your perfect chance to reach your target audience. Follow these simple steps for the perfect holiday marketing strategy.


The Intern’s Farewell

As my final semester of college comes to an end, I’ve had the chance to reflect on all the opportunities I have been given along the way that exceeded just my education. While I have had prior internships, HMG Creative was a unique challenge for me that I will be forever grateful for. Working with HMG, I got exposed to inbound marketing, a topic that I had not yet covered in school or working for other agencies. Not only has HMG connected me with the digital industry, it has motivated me further to pursue a career in this field.


HMG Remains a Top Digital Marketing Agency in Clutch’s 2018 Coverage

2018 has arrived—and with it has come plenty of new and exciting opportunities for the HMG team. We’ve forged new business partnerships, begun building new digital marketing and design projects and have developed big goals for the upcoming year. So what remains the same? Our recognition on Clutch as one of the best digital agencies in Texas


Meet Natalie, The New Kid on The Block

Hi! My name is Natalie Matthews and I am ecstatic to begin as the new social media and marketing intern at HMG Creative, this semester. Born and raised in Clear Lake, Texas, I have enjoyed dancing competitively for twelve years with my older sister and traveling alongside the rest of our family in our free time. I am an avid cooking show viewer, occasional chef for one and dedicated consumer of all things sweet. You can often find me making my way around Town Lake while listening to some of my favorite artists, ranging from Frank Sinatra to Katy Perry. I am passionate about empowerment, the alleviation of poverty, education and positive living.
