A 2019 Guide for Instagram Business Accounts

Instagram was initially introduced to the digital world in 2010 and quickly gained popularity. A few years later, Facebook took over its ownership with an estimated user count of 1 billion monthly active users. With the number of users rapidly increasing, Instagram was identified as an excellent tool for marketers to promote products, services and ideas. In May 2016, Instagram made a move that shifted culture, launching the Instagram business account – a powerful way for businesses to advertise and market. The feature is available for both IOS and Android globally.


Generate – Collaborate – Validate

In a world with continual platform updates and algorithm adjustments, changes in social platforms and search engines can leave a digital marketer’s world tumultuous at the very least. Continuing to adapt and learn has always been key to dominating the ever-changing digital landscape. To keep up, you must be willing to drop the ego and consistently learn new techniques, even if the ongoing changes make you want to pull your hair out.  Continue…

Marketing Strategies For Nonprofits: Creating Return For Donors On A Budget

Unlike for-profit corporations, nonprofit organizations have much smaller budgets for marketing and advertising than some may anticipate. Unfortunately, many people tend to view these expenses as counter to the reasons they originally gave to a certain cause. As companies are forced to become more transparent in the age of clear and precise communication as well as more personal producer-consumer relationships, people are wanting to see their money go directly towards the receivers of work done by organizations which they decide to give to. Nowadays, these donations are seen more as an investment than just a gift. Although it is understandable that donors give to see results, nonprofits struggle with a lack of ability to grow their reach because of their hesitancy to fund campaigns which have the potential to do so.


Social Media: Back To The Basics & The Latest Trends

It’s hard to ignore just how much social media has taken the advertising and marketing world by storm. From the beginnings of a millennial-led movement to a full-blown industry changer, social media has transformed how we choose the products we buy, and more importantly how we connect with others to create communities around brands and people alike. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are only some of the many content-centered sites that aim to reach their audiences directly through personalized targeted visual and written messaging.


Understanding the Basics of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a potent tool for leveraging data to gain insight into your current audience, as well as develop a deeper understanding of how to reach your target audience. Top marketing professionals analyze data obtained through Google Analytics to identify how, and from where, website visitors are arriving (we’ll dig into this in a little bit). If you aren’t already utilizing this incredibly powerful service, here’s an overview on how you can make smarter, data-driven decisions that better your chances for more conversions and higher return on investment (ROI). Oh, and it’s free.


How to Stay Social Media Relevant with Consumers

It’s very easy to be ignored or forgotten through the many social media outlets where users engage. In this age of mass communication, consumers are easily overwhelmed with the amount of daily advertisements they see, and quickly learn to filter out generic messaging. The key to cutting through these defenses is to differentiate your brand. It’s a given that not participating in social media puts your business at a severe disadvantage. However, even very active businesses can still find it difficult to keep their messaging from getting lost.


Our Top 4 Brand & Marketing Panels at SXSW

Keeping up with target audiences can be a challenge in today’s world since social media was brought into the mix. This year, South by Southwest is hosting some of the most intelligent brand and marketing specialists. Technology is booming and more fast-paced than ever before, so the demand for insight and guidance has never been greater. At these four panels you will hear directly from industry leaders on how to build your brand, grab your target audience and keep their attention. These events range from beginner to intermediate, and are perfect if you want to delve deep into the newest marketing trends.


SXSW 2017: Key Takeaways on Digital Marketing

The world of marketing is ever-evolving, and though there is no universal marketing strategy that will “just work” for every type of company, some marketing professionals make it seem like they possess the secret formula. Now that digital marketing has taken over, there are many new aspects of marketing that we must take into consideration when creating our marketing strategies. I went to multiple masterclasses on digital marketing that were held during weekend one of SXSW, and I’m here to share my key takeaways on where to focus your efforts when creating your digital marketing strategy. There are also several trustworthy websites that share news of digital marketing trends and helps you to make an informed decision.


Snap into Snapchat

Snapchat is one of the biggest social media platforms for millennials. Even Facebook and Instagram are taking cues from Snapchat by introducing Stories into their apps. As marketing and advertising moves toward digital and social media promotion, it is essential to know when and how to use Snapchat for your business. Although Snapchat is a great way to build brand recognition, it does not necessarily mean that every brand is right for it. Continue…

Posting Across Generations: Millennials vs. Our Parents

Social media is an ever-changing outlet. Networking platforms have been going in and out of popularity as quickly as Kylie Jenner’s Lip Kits. Who remembers MySpace? I know I do. I would spend hours updating my MySpace layout, thinking I was cool because I knew which codes to put in to make my solid colored background into one that resembled a disco ball. Now that MySpace has phased out, the public has moved on to the more popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. I am now a senior in college, but I began using social media when I was thirteen. Middle school was all about who your top friends were on MySpace, high school was all about being “FB official” and posting funny posts on your BFF’s Facebook wall, and now in college Snapchat and Instagram are the best ways to show everyone from home how much better college is than high school.
